June 15, 2022

We feel the need, the need for 3D - New US Navy figures in 3 scales for your Tomcats from R2 Miniatures

R2 Miniatures has turned out four sets in three scales of very nicely detailed US Navy pilots. These could suit your Tomcat, indeed they are designed to fit your Tamiya, Trumpeter & AMK kits exactly. Get all the intel in our "Top" preview...

We feel the need, the need for 3D - New US Navy figures in 3 scales for your Tomcats from R2 Miniatures

R2 Miniatures has long been a favourite of ours with some of their sharply detailed figures that are 3D sculpted and printed. Details emerge today of four new sets from them, just in time to match a move that has been of interest recently. We have noticed that the body language and the faces on these sculpts do match a rather popular movie from the 1980s about aircraft, maybe Iron Eagle IV or something like that? 

 US Navy pilot set.
1/32nd scale
3D sculpt by R2 Miniatures
Printed in Resin
To suit the Tamiya or Trumpeter kits
This set of two resin 3D printed figures fits your Tamiya or Trumpeter F-14 Tomcats. The US Navy pilot set are matched to the gear these pilots wore in the 1980s and maybe early 90s, and both of them are digitally sculpted by the R2 Miniatures team.
Both figures come with full flight gear, helmets, G-suits and unattached oxygen tubes. The pilot is seen entering the 'pit, with his foot fitting the access ladder while the RIO is seen standing to the side, ready to get into the office.

US Navy pilot set.
1/48th scale
3D sculpt by R2 Miniatures
Printed in Resin
To suit the Tamiya kit
Sculpted in 48th scale in 3D, this set of two resin 3D printed figures fits your new-tooled Tamiya F-14 Tomcat. The two figures of the Pilot (who looks like a man who is a bit "dangerous" - (my friend Kazanski thought so anyway) That's right! He is seen climbing into the cockpit, holding his helmet to the side as he pauses before entering.
The Radar Intercept Officer (RIO)  - a Naval Flight Officer who occupies the rear seat of the F-14 Tomcat is seen standing next to the tomcat on the deck, thinking why the pilot is making him wait around, he must think he is a "Goose" or something...
The pilot and RIO are in the typical gear that might suit your 80s or 90s Tomcat. A mix and match of equipment, as was often seen on pilots of this era.

US Navy pilot set.
1/48th scale
3D sculpt by R2 Miniatures
Printed in Resin
To suit the AMK kit
The impressive AMK kit does not miss out in this set of new figures. The 48th scale kit is as impressive in many areas as the Tamiya Tomcat. So R2 Miniatures has digitally sculpted, printed and produced these two figures to suit this kit. No sculpting or shaping is needed with any of these kits to make them fit the models they are slated to fit.
R2 Miniatures has sculpted these a little differently tot he other two sets you have seen, and that gives 48th scale tomcat lovers some choices, the RIO is seen here pointing into the distance, looking up to show the pilot something. Maybe it is the Admiral's Daughter in the tower?
The Pilot figure - He looks like his name is Pete to me - is seen climbing into the Tomcat, with his feet matching the access ladder exactly for a perfect fit. He is seen giving the thumbs up...  
Bonza mate!

US Navy pilot set.
1/72nd scale
3D sculpt by R2 Miniatures
Printed in Resin
To suit the Tamiya kit
Both of these two figures are remarkably detailed for 1/72nd scale. They would not only suit your F-14 Tomcat from the 80s or 90s, but any other US Navy aircraft from that era. They could even be two different pilots from other US Navy aircraft in one-seaters.
To me these are nearly as impressive in detail as their larger scale comrades, we have not seen any pilots in this scale so impressive before. Their gear suits aircrew from the Navy in the 80s and their poses are both quite upright, looking into the distance or across the carrier deck - your choice.

If you "want some butts" these pilots have them also...
You can secure one or any of these kits (they did not have any pricing information as of yet) by contacting R2 Miniatures from their Facebook page...