July 26, 2022

All-new products from Royal Model in August in several scales...

Royal Model doesn't often put out new products & figures, but when they do, they are very well received. We have put together all of their latest - new figures, kitchen goods, painters, petrol pumps, tiles and lots of other stuff in several scales - see what we are talking about in our August preview...

All-new products from Royal Model in August in several scales and materials...

From Royal Model
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price: 29,90 €
Three half and third bodied figures fit three of your hatches for your IDF tanks for the seventies period.  These can be used in the same or different tanks if you like.

From Royal Model
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price: 16,90 € 
This single figure from the Israel Defense Force will suit many many modeller's needs for great figures to fit their many tank kits from this period. Sculpted in 3D by Roberto Reale, and cast in light grey resin, he looks great!

From Royal Model
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price: 16,90 € 
The Corps of Bersaglieri was established in Italy on 18 June 1836 with the task of carrying out exploration services and daring missions. During the Second World War, the Bersaglieri regiments are framed in the armoured, motorized and rapid divisions. They fight on all fronts, showing their ability and dedication. Field Marshal Rommel, commander of the Italian-German Army in North Africa will say "... the German soldier amazed the world, the Italian Bersagliere amazed the German soldier ..."

From Royal Model
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price: 13,90 €
This very helpful set of seventeen parts make up this compressor and metal wire for the pipe and spray guns included. A great set for any workshop scene in 35th scale.

From Royal Model
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price: 17,90 € 
Ten parts make up this sleeping German soldier. Although he is said to be a German, it could be a man from many nations during the same period ad only really his hobnail boots point this out.

From Royal Model
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price:15,90 € 
This figure is scaulpted in both 35th scale as here and the larger figure makers scale of 75mm.

From Royal Model
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price: 39,90 € 
Sculpted in 3D by Roberto Reale, this Pin-up soldier sculpt will enliven many figure painter's lives!
Nine parts are included in light grey resin in the larger sfigure maker's scale of 75mm.

From Royal Model
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price:13,90 € 
There are five light grey resin wheels included to improve your GAZ vehicle. So one for the spare also!

From Royal Model
1/48th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price:12,90 €
The set of roofing tiles is cast in light grey resin and is removed foirly easily from the casting blocks at the side. The set contains 70 peices to suit your 48th scale house.

From Royal Model
1/72nd scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price:13,90 € 
Thirteen resin parts, chain drive and thin wire for the pipe make up this set in 72nd scale for your smaller diorama. Like the bigger 35th scale set there are three head choices for the two figures included.

From Royal Model
1/48th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Royal
Cast in light grey resin
Price: 24€ 
Twelve resin parts, wire and photoetched chain drive, this 35th scale version comes with three head choices for the two painters.

From Royal Model
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price: 29 €
Twenty eight parts in light grey and clear green resin, these make up the boxes, tools and utencils of a feild kitchen during World War Two. They are familliar to any modellers as the food utencils that were used commonly by the germans of that era. Many of these can be posedopen or closed which is great.

From Royal Model
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Roberto Reale
Cast in light grey resin
Price: 29€
Made from resin, clear plastic, thin pipe and including decals for the pumps and guages. These twenty one parts make up two petrol pumps in 35th sclale for your modern roadside (70's onwardswe would think) gas station. 

For more on these products or any of their other figures and accessories, take a look at the Royal Model Website