July 15, 2022

Construction Review: 1/35th scale British Tank Commander Set (2 figures) from Alpine Miniatures

Fans often call for more soldiers from the Allied side of WWII to be made available to the market, so now Alpine Miniatures is offering two new figures of British tankers in 1/35th scale, well, this is their chance to take notice. We build both figures as singles & as a set & compare them to original clothing, equipment & tankers of the era in our review.

British Tank Commander #1
From Alpine Miniatures
Figure set No #35296 
1/35th scale
The figure comes with two different head choices.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim

British Tank Commander #2
From Alpine Miniatures
Figure set No #35297 
1/35th scale
The figure comes with two different head choices.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
Alpine Miniatures has provided us with their two new figures in 35th scale of British tank commanders. We have a look at them both, the clothing and equipment they are using, and then at the figures, their poses and how they look in the turret of a tank in our review. First, the gear and era.

The Subject: British tankers from the 40s-50s
First, we will look at the main feature of both of these tankers, the "Pixie Suit" and other gear of the tankers...

Canadians standing next to their Sherman during a lull in a combined armour and artillery exercise, England, 5-10 June 1943.
The British Tanker & his gear:
Highly trained, well drilled and well equipped (for the most part) British tankers were the black beret of the Royal Armoured Corps and in wintertime as these soldiers are depicted the "Tank Crew Oversuit" which was nicknamed by British Soldiers the "Pixie suit".

A recreator in WWII and Post WWII-era gear...
Introduced in July 1943 as a replacement for previous assorted uniforms and oilskin clothing worn by the Tank crew to keep warm and dry. Commonly known as a tank suit or Pixie suit, it was a one-piece coverall that is lined with a removable hood. They were made to fit loosely and a normal battle dress could be worn underneath in extreme cold and a vest with shorts in warmer weather. The tank suit was made of a very heavy cotton in khaki colour with 2 full length zips from neck to ankle for easy access and brace straps to hold up the suit when arms were removed for heavy work like "track bashing".
This suit can be used by post-WWII soldiers as these two men of the 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars in Korea with a picture of the racehorse "Alycidon", after whom they have named their Centurion tank.
These suit could be good for empire tankers of the same period, as this Canadian soldier shows, in his Pixie suit standing atop a stalled tank amid flooding in the Netherlands, in 1945.
The M1942 Royal Tank Corps (RTC) beret - British tankers were the first to wear the beret in British service as a uniform item. Its origins date back to 1922, when the Colonel Commandant of the RTC, General Sir Hugh Elles, recommended the adoption of a headdress similar in form to that worn by French troops of the 70th Chasseurs Alpins whom he had observed training with the Tank Corps in 1918. Approved in 1924, the black beret was a very practical item when worn within the close confines of the tank. The beret, over time, attained a near 'elite' status, as it was subsequently adopted by other 'specialist' branches of the Service, notably airborne troops, SAS, Army and Royal Marine Commandos.
The other head choice is the RTC Helmet with the wireless set headset over it. The wireless “cans” set is a Bakelite headset with a rigid headpiece, adjustable earpieces and web straps. Similar in shape to the dispatch rider’s and Mk III Airborne helmets, the three differ only in their liners. The RAC helmet used the same type of liner as the Mk II general service helmet.
OK, lets take a look at these two figures now...

The lime box of Alpine Miniatures normally brings good things. We were happy too see this kit come through the much delayed international post recently, and as soon as we could we took pictures of the parts, then built them both up for a review.

The little art card for the kit show the two painted figures by the very talented Dr Jin Kim. The parts in the box, of course, are of unassembled and unpainted light grey resin. Both figures, coming with two head choices came in their separate plastic zip-loc bags. Eight parts in total in blemish-free light grey resin. No real extra flash or resin residue off the figures more than a quick dust off with a thick paint brush. SMall casting blocks, or resin stubs need to be removed from the figures parts, but these are all in sensible places to remove and this is an easy job for the modeller.
That is the summary of the two figures as a pair, we will look at both of the single figures, build them, then the same with the pair in our final wash up.

British Tank Commander #1
From Alpine Miniatures
Figure set No #35296 
1/35th scale
Five parts in light grey resin
The figure comes with two different head choices.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
The first figure of the British Tank Commander is seen sitting on top of the turret of his tank with his elbow resting on the cupola hatch while the other holds the RT comms device in his right hand. This figure is made up of five parts, each coming on small casting blocks or a slight resin stub at the feet, which needs some removal. This is a full bodied figure, as opposed to the other figure in this set, which is a 3/4 body sculpture.

The two head choices are on display here, with the common factors of both being the facial features, finely sculpted with eyes, eyebrows, nose and chin clearly defined. The tankers are wearing either the tanker's black beret or the steel tanker's helmet that we have already talked about. 
Looking from the side and from the rear, you can see the definition of the aviators/ dispatch riders goggles which fit over his airborne helmet. Many types of goggles were used by tankers and AFV crews during the war from numerous sources. If you look carefully at the soldier in the beret, you can see the fine hairs of the tanker and the RAC badge clearly picked out on the side and front of his beret. The angle that the neck is to be cut at is pre moulded by the sculptor to ensure a correct angle when fitting it into the neck socket of the torso.
Speaking of the torso, this is the largest part of the figure, and cast only missing the hand, arm and head. The "Pixie suit" is sculpted with lines of stitching, buttons, tabs, thick seams and the ribbed texture on the front of the left-hand breast pocket. The boots and galoshes are sharply detailed also, with the laces on the front clearly defined. The wrinkling in the leather shoes that might not be seen inside the tank all stands out. Even if depth of field in these photos is a little short to show the full detail here.
The rear and the top-down view of the figure are next, with more of the seam and thick stitching, buttoned tabs and folded cloth of the suit really coming out nicely in the sculpture. The hood is baggy, as are the seat of the pants n the thick suit. The ribbed belt is a feature, as are the creases on the edge of the garment. The ribbed jumper underneath, the folded over thick collars that layer around the neck that the head slips neatly into give the figure a lot of depth in that area and secure the neck nicely, allowing you to choose what head-choice you want and to paint it separately to the torso if you like. 
the left arm of the figure and the right hand are supplied on another casting block. This is an easy removal, with only some simple trimming needed to remove the excess material. The wrinkled suit cloth in the arm where it will be positioned being held up and resting on something is evident and impressive. As are as always with Alpine Miniatures the fingers of the figure, the tendons of the hands and the way that the fingers grip the R/T of the tank. You, of course, have to supply your own wires to connect the RT and the "cans" on his ears.
It took about five minutes to clean this figure up and separate the parts from blocks to secure them to the figure. The alignment of the head, arms and hands were easy with the lug and socket system that the sculptor Taesung Harmms uses.
A walk around of the figure with the beret head choice proves to be a great option...
...the second option of the Airborne helmet and goggles is just as appealing...
Sharp eyes amongst you will notice the seat of the pants are slightly concave to fit over the edge of a turret.

British Tank Commander #2
From Alpine Miniatures
Figure set No #35297 
1/35th scale
The figure comes with two different head choices.
Three parts in light grey resin
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
The second commander in this selection is also sculpted by Taesung Harmms. A 3/4 body figure, it is meant to be posed leaning on the hatch of a tank and looking forward and he leans over.

The first head choice we look at also has the airborne helmet, this time without the goggles, but again with the wireless cans set headset underneath it. The second head choice has the RTC black beret with prominent and visible badge on the front, but with no R/T cans on his ears. The hard helmeted version is with the R/T cans, and the beret could be more of a non-operational tanker without his cans on. One might think he would be more of a tanker in a stationary tank or at the rear. A smart choice to offer the modeller.
A little like his companion, you can see the finer details of this man's face, hair, lips, nose and chin to great effect through careful sculpting and casting. His face is notably different to his comrade, with more of a pointed and angular nose and chin than his other tanker. The details of the tanker's badge, the straps of the helmet and leather around the beret base, the ears of the tanker really start this figure off brilliantly and give the modeller a detailed base to start from. No head substitution needed for this set!
The 3/4 body of this figure will sit on a pedestal underneath the turret, so he sits with his elbows rested on the turret roof. Leaning forward as you would in body language. Oddly, here the gloves of this tanker are a delight, with the thick, ribbed texture making it easy to paint and detail him. The Pixie suit is just as folded, creased and wrinkly, just as thick and as folded as his companion. This is sculpted so very well it is as impressive as it must be, inspiring to the model maker.
Again, as was the case with his comrade, the thick material around the tanker's hooded suit, the baggy pants with the thick stitching on the rear and the leg, running all the way up to his neck is a treat to the eye. The collar is different to his colleague, with the ribbed jumper not here, replaced by a thick tunic collar and a scarf at the neck seam. This seam fits neatly into the head joint to secure his neck at the right angle and pitch.
The more introverted body language of this figure offers a counterpoint to his comrade, while the stitching folds in the canvas suit and the details of his face, his rolled scarf, and the stitching in his gear is just as impressive.

Here is the helmeted option of the figure...
From the side those impressive wrinled sleves of the suit - wow!
The RTC beret choice here, with the badge at the front of the beret easy to pick out here, the wrinkled suit front and back, the ribbed gloves, the stern look on his angled face, the body language, the rest is all gravy as it were...
The undersides of the sleeves are flattened to sit on th eedge of a flat turret.

British Tank Commander Set (2 figures)
From Alpine Miniatures
Figure set No #35298 
1/35th scale
Eight parts in light grey resin
The figure set of two figures comes with two different head choices each.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
These tankers are also sold as a set at a slightly cheaper price for your own squadron. They do suit each other in look and equipment so they can be used in the same diorama or in different scenes; it is up to you. 
Here they both are, sitting in the turret of their Centurion V, looking all the image of a British tankers fighting both the Jerries, or the North Koreans or the chill of Winter. I do think they could be used as a 1950s-era cold-war tankers also.

Here they are with alternating headgear to show you both the look and body language of these tankers.
I cannot tell which I like better, they both have some excellent qualities to them. both are sculpted and cast so precisely. The research that went into their development shows as the equipment is so close to the real thing. The body language is natural and fits in to each other, while the engineering and fit is perfect.

A step above any other British tanker set that I have made - excellent!

Adam Norenberg

Thanks to Alpine Miniatures for sending these figures to us to make and review.
You can see more of Alpine's figures on the Alpine Miniatures website. 
FYI Postage within the US from their site is free!

Seen below painted up by the box artist Dr. Jin Kim, you can see what could be done with a good paint to really bring out the details of these two lovely figures.

British Tank Commander #1
From Alpine Miniatures
Figure set No #35296 
1/35th scale
The figure comes with two different head choices.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim

British Tank Commander #2
From Alpine Miniatures
Figure set No #35297 
1/35th scale
The figure comes with two different head choices.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim

British Tank Commander Set (2 figures)
From Alpine Miniatures
Figure set No #35298 
1/35th scale
The figure set of two figures comes with two different head choices each.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim