July 24, 2022

Preview: Dynamo Models eight new releases

Dynamo Models are a fairly new company making great figures from their base in Northern France. We take a quick look at eight of their recent releases in our preview...

Preview: Dynamo Models eight new releases

Vive la France – French resistance fighter “Henri”
From Dynamo Models
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Greg Girault
Cast in light grey resin
Kit No #35036
Price: 14,95€
A French resistance fighter, ready to kick some "Boche derriere" at the rear end of the war, signified by the STG.44 rifle he is carrying, most probably captured from some German soldier. He is wearing civilian clothes, and has a pistol holster on his belt, so he looks well equipped for a resistance fighter, or maybe just good at his job!

Vive la France – French resistance fighter “George”
From Dynamo Models
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Greg Girault
Cast in light grey resin
Kit No #35035
Price: 14,95€
"George", a resistance fighter, takes out the best dressed ward for fighters of the latter years of the war. Indeed, he could be used for many countries in Western Europe, as his clothing and Beret make him prefect for French or Belgian resistance especially.

’40 – French cavalry 2
From Dynamo Models
1/35th scale
Cast in light grey resin
Kit No #35036
Price: 30:50€
This French Cavalry soldier of the 1940 campaign can be used in both a phoney war, attacking or a retreating scene. Here, holding his fully equipped mount by the bridle, he would be perfect for any French-based scene.

’40 – French cavalry 1
From Dynamo Models
1/35th scale
Cast in light grey resin
Kit No #35036
Price: 30:50€
As a companion to the previous soldier, this Cavalryman of the French Army is again a perfect fit. Seen riding his mount at a walking pace. All of his equipment is seen in place on the horse and on his body equipment harness. Like the previous figure and horse, it only needs some reins.

Little boy picking nose / waving flag
From Dynamo Models
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Greg Girault
Cast in light grey resin
Kit No #35036
Price: 13:95€
Come on, we've all been there, immortalised mid-excavation. Now this little boy is immortalised in light grey resin either picking or waving a flag? Obviously there is an alternative to show him waving a flag in the package that isnt shown in the box art.

Little mom playing with snowman, mom watching
From Dynamo Models
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Greg Girault
Cast in light grey resin
Kit No #35036
Price: 29:90€
The mother and child, as well as the little boy, are sold as a three figure set, abut also in other packages by Dunamo Models as singles separately.

Little boy’s mom with baby
From Dynamo Models
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Greg Girault
Cast in light grey resin
Kit No #35036
Price: 14,95€
Mother and child are seen here together in a pose that sees them both looking off to something on their left. Who knows what it is, but the sculpture is fairly neutral, so this could be a happy or sad scene, or just them walking or standing in the street.

Little boy with snowman
From Dynamo Models
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Greg Girault
Cast in light grey resin
Kit No #35036
Price: 14,95€
This young man is seen doing some of his best work on his own sculpture of a resin snowman! You gotta start somewhere; I guess 😄.

You can purchase these directly or see any of Dynamo Models other creations from the Dynamo Models Website