July 12, 2022

Preview: Paracel Miniatures fill out your Mekong Delta diorama (+ some new tanker's heads)

Paracel Miniatures have long been making civilians to flesh out their dioramas. Several figures, especially from their native Vietnam have been great for those wanting to show more than just wars and killing. They have a new big set of five figures, plus some ladies navigating on the delta for us along with some new head sculpts for your tankers. We look at them in our preview...
Preview: Paracel Miniatures fill out your Mekong Delta diorama (+ some new tanker's heads)

We love to see the REAL people in our diorama scenes, real human reactions, actions and people just being themselves. They have given us plenty of that in the past, from street scenes with homeless, normal characters and street people , just going about their lives.

Some of them are below...
In this latest set from Paracel Miniatures, we see just that. With a life study of Vietnamese people on the river, just living their lives. We got a hint of some of these figures on the Paracel Miniatures Facebook page recently....
We do not have a load of information on them, but we can give you a round up of what is coming or should be for sale immanently from their website.

Vietnamese Street Kids
From Paracel Miniatures
1/35th scale
Kit No VN3507
Sculpted by Jangleo 
5 Resin figures, unassembled & unpainted
This large set of five figures is sold together int he first instance in a set of five figures, in light grey resin. Delivered, of course unassembled and ready to fashion as you would like to your personal taste. These figures are from the "Children of peace" set by Paracel. As we said earlier, nice to get a bunch of people actually doing every day stuff...

Babysitter (Vietnamese Kid)
From Paracel Miniatures
1/35th scale
Kit No VN3505
Sculpted by Jangleo
2 Resin figures, unassembled & unpainted
Sold as a set of two, this Vietnamese babysitter and child are seen in a pretty natural pose. the boy sitting on her hip in a casual manner. These two could come from any time period from the 60's until now one would think.

Show Shine Boy (Vietnamese Kid)
From Paracel Miniatures
1/35th scale
Kit No VN3503
Sculpted by Jangleo
1 Resin figure, unassembled & unpainted
This young Vietnamese boy is seen with a shoe shine box, standing on the street with his left hand fiddling with his singlet. A casual pose, with the kid waiting patiently for business from a passing soldier or a businessman. The nobbly knees and skinny gait of the figure is excellently sculpted.

Coke Baby (Vietnamese Kid)
From Paracel Miniatures
1/35th scale
Kit No VN3502
Sculpted by Jangleo 
1 Resin figure, unassembled & unpainted
This young lady is seen here selling Coke on the street. Maybe to soldiers, maybe to civilians, it is you, the modeller's choice here. As she si seen in pretty much a traditional suit. Seen giving the "Peace" sign, she lends herself well to a Vietnamese street setting.

Bean Boy (Vietnamese Kid)
From Paracel Miniatures
1/35th scale
Kit No VN3504
Sculpted by Jangleo
1 Resin figure, unassembled & unpainted
This young boy, on the verge of being a teenager, is seen here at work walking or standing with a basket of beans atop his head, a cloth over the top of it to keep the wind and birds away. I like the way he is composed and again the slim features of a young kid are portrayed very well here.

Ladies of Mekong Delta
From Paracel Miniatures
1/35th scale
Kit No VN3508
Sculpted by Xuan Giang 
2 Resin figures, unassembled & unpainted + a boat
These two beautiful figures are seen working a sampan through the waters of the Mekong Delta. The two sculpts by Xuan Giang are well composed, with great body language using the levers of the sticks to steer their craft. A timeless sculpture in a way, as these women can be from any era in the late 20th century...

Eastern European Tanker Heads
by Paracel Miniatures
1/35th scale
Kit #ACC3521
Sculpted by Giangle
6 heads included inside
Much needed heads for European tankers, six in total in 35th scale to suit most of your tanks.

Eastern European Tanker Heads
by Paracel Miniatures
1/48th scale
Kit #MINI4810
Sculpted by Giangle
6 heads included inside
Much needed heads for European tankers, six in total in 48th scale to suit most of your tanks.

These sets are now or should be soon available from Parcel's distributors...
You can find out more about these figures, buy them directly from the Paracel Miniatures Website