September 23, 2022

Preview: Two more American classics from I love Kit in November...

"I Love Kit" has two releases of American legends due for November that are already available to pre-order from hobby shops. We look at the art, sprue shots, colours, marking choices and other information we have on them in our preview...

Preview: Two more American classics from I love Kit in November...

1/35th scale
Price: $65 USD from Hobbylink Japan
The M48 Patton is a main battle tank (MBT) that was designed in the United States. It was the third tank to be officially named after General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during World War II and one of the earliest American advocates for the use of tanks in battle. It was a further development of the M47 Patton tank. 

Markings included in this kit
The M48 Patton was in U.S. service until replaced by the M60 and served as the U.S. Army and Marine Corps' primary battle tank in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. It was widely used by U.S. Cold War allies, especially other NATO countries.

The decals in the kit.
Model Length: 244.2mm / Width: 103.7mm  
Total of 8 sprues , upper hull , lower hull and tracks
- multi-directional slide moulded lower hull & upper hull
The sprues of the kit.
-  180 individual tracks links
-  photo-etched parts included

North Carolina BB-55
"High Grade Kit"
1/700th scale
Price: $65 USD from Hobbylink Japan
The North Carolina (BB-55) was laid down 27 October 1937 by New York Naval Shipyard; launched 13 June 1940 and commissioned at New York 9 April 1941. North Carolina completed her shakedown in the Caribbean prior to the Pearl Harbor attack, and after intensive war exercises, entered the Pacific 10 June 1942.

Markings included in this kit
When the U.S. attacked Guadalcanal in early August 1942, North Carolina was the only U.S. battleship available to provide protection for the carriers: Wasp CV-7, Saratoga CV-3 and Enterprise CV-6. In the Battle of the Eastern Solomon, North Carolina forever changed the role of the new battleships when she shot down seven Japanese planes in one battle. After that battle, it would not be uncommon for fast battleship to screen aircraft carriers due to their massive anti-aircraft batteries.

The decals in the kit.
On the afternoon of September 15 1942, one torpedo was hit the North Carolina. The torpedo hit tore a hole 10 meter long and 6 meter high in the shell plating and caused 5 dead. After inactivation, she decommissioned at New York 27 June 1947. On 29 April 1962 she was dedicated at Wilmington, N.C., as a memorial to North Carolinians of all services killed in World War II. North Carolina received 12 battle stars for World War II service.

The sprues of the kit
The metal parts of the kit barrels and the thread for rigging.
Photo etch is included
Textured deck is included
A stand is included to mount the kit on.
Photos of the impressive test kit built up...
You can find out more about I Love Kit models on their Website