November 16, 2022

Preview: 35th scale figure sets, singles & a limited edition of 50 - all new from Ardennes Miniature...

Ardennes Miniature bring us several new figures of Germans in late WWII - heavy weapons and clothing, plus a limited set of 50 with their own diorama are the latest releases we look at in our preview...

Preview: 35th scale figure sets, singles & a limited edition of 50 - all new from Ardennes Miniature...

Ardennes Miniatures has seven releases in November 2022. Several single resin figures, plus twin sets with two figures, plus a limited edition set of three soldiers set in a dynamic destroyed structure. All of these figures are in 1/35th scale, and they are all sculpted and in some cases even painted by Radek Tomanec in the photos we have. We take a look at them now in our preview...

German Soldier Winter 1944-1945
1/35th scale
Kit No #35034
Sculpted by Radek Tomanec
Single Figure
Grey resin
This pioneer or heavy infantryman from the German army of WWII period is not only dressed for bad weather, but he is armed to the teeth to do some bad things to the enemy. The extra pouches for his stick grenades and the land mine he carries in his right hand will blow someone's mind, surely. He is dressed in a heavy line parka with his M43 helmet and Kar.98 plus ammunition pouches.

Here you see the figure made up and painted by Radek Tomanec

German Soldier Winter 1944-1945
1/35th scale
Kit No #35035
Sculpted by Radek Tomanec
Single Figure
Grey resin
The second single figure release is also dressed in heavy winter clothing. With an ushanka hat, lined with wool, a reversible lined parka and thick pants. His fur-lined boots also put him securely on either the eastern front or in a winter setting.He is pointing at something in front of him, holding his Kar.98 rifle in his right hand. His entrenching tool stowed menacingly with its blade unsheathed in his belt.

Here you see the figure made up and painted by Radek Tomanec

German Soldiers Winter 1944-1945
1/35th scale
Kit No #35036
Sculpted by Radek Tomanec
Two figure kit
Grey resin
These two figures are sold as a set for a slightly reduced price also.

German Infantry WW2
1/35th scale
Kit No #35037
Sculpted by Radek Tomanec
Single Figure
Grey resin
A third figure, dressed in a thick greatcoat while walking forward over some debris, He is carrying a captured drum magazine PPSh-41 - a Soviet submachine gun named "Papasha", meaning "daddy" by the Russians. The body language of this figure really is impressive as he is seen picking his way forward through the rubble. 

Here you see the figure made up and painted by Radek Tomanec

German Infantry WW2
1/35th scale
Kit No #35038
Sculpted by Radek Tomanec
Single Figure
Grey resin
This machine gunner is seen advancing forward in a combat stance, brandishing his Mg42, with a short belt of ammunition already loaded in the gun. We notice that all of these figures have slight variations in their clothing. This soldier has galoshes over his pants and a helmet cover over his M43 steel helmet.

German Infantry WW2
1/35th scale
Kit No #35039
Sculpted by Radek Tomanec
two figures in one set
Grey resin
These last two figures are sold as  a set of two - and they do match each other quite nicely in equipment and body language.

Battle WW2-Limited Edition - limited to 50 copies worldwide...

Battle WW2-Limited Edition 
Limited to 50 copies worldwide...
1/35th scale
Kit No #35001
Sculpted by Radek Tomanec
Three figures in one set
House wall, terrain, window & street lamp included
All in grey resin
As a bit of a treat for modellers, Ardenness Miniatures have a set of three figures sold with a portion of wall diorama. The first edition of series Battle WW2-Limited Edition. This limited edition includes a complete war scene and is produced in only limited number of 50 pieces.
The two of the figures we looked at earlier are in this set. The Ppsh wielding soldier, the Mg42 gunner, and a third soldier in thick winter clothing, carrying a Sturmgewehr StG-44 as they nerviously approach a corner.
The corner we speak of is also supplied in grey resin in this limited edition, the wall, street lamp, window and the rubble the soldiers are walking over are part of this limited edition of only 50 copies worldwide.
You can order these figures directly from the website by contacting them, or buy them through their  distributors.

You can see more about these new figures and Ardenne Miniatures on their website