December 22, 2022

Preview: "Aircraft Weapons Of World War One" from Canfora

As a likely companion to their last book on US WWII aircraft weapons, Canfora announce a new book, focussed on WWI aircraft weapons. "Aircraft Weapons Of World War One" is on pre-order at 20% off for a short time. See more about the book with high-res photos & info on the contents in our preview...

Preview: Aircraft Weapons Of World War One
From Canfora Grafisk Form
160 pages
Soft cover.
Dimensions: 280 × 210 × 9 mm
Pre-order Price: €26.50 (20% off RRP)
Shipping to buyers from late January.
World War One introduced the concept of aerial combat, and this book presents the visual documentation of the weapons of the first air war. In 160 pages, the details of the aerial ordnance of the Great War is displayed in stunning vintage photographs.
Designed with modelers, aviation enthusiasts, gun collectors and gamers in mind, the photos collected here explain the weapons mounted on Allied and Central Powers aircraft, from pistols and flechettes to cannons and massive bombs.
350+ Images
160 Pages
Soft Cover
Detailed Study
The first air war evolved quickly. From rather humble beginnings in the war’s early days, with pistols and grenades carried aloft, to the strategic bombers and heavily armed fighters of 1918.
Many of the photos and illustrations in this book are strong enough to be displayed in full page format. This is a unique photo-study, explaining the adaption and modification of ground weapons, as well as purpose made weaponry.
From his secret base in North America, buried deep beneath a mountain of historical photographs, Tom Laemlein has been redefining the concept of the military history "photo study" for the past 20 years. Leveraging his massive photo library, Tom has a knack for publishing images that expose the details of the weapons and battles of the 20th Century, much to the delight of a global audience of historians and modelers. 

This is his fourth book for Canfora Publishing.
The book has just been released for sale to the public for a special pre-order price for a short time only for 20% off! RRP (€26.50), so get in quickly! 
It is expected to ship to buyers from late January 2023
To see more click on this link on the Canfora Publishing Website