January 27, 2023

Captors & captives on a knife edge in 1945 from Stalingrad Miniatures...

A trepidacious scene in which the Germans being taken prisoner may have upset the younger of their two captors as the older soldier intervenes to stop the escalation. We look at the single figures & set from Stalingrad Miniatures in 35th scale in our preview...

Captors & captives on a knife edge in 1945 from Stalingrad Miniatures: - A new set in 1/35th scale...

The subject: Germans surrendering to the Soviet Army in 1945
Soldiers of the German armed forces surrendered en-mass in May 1945 at the end of the European war. However, the Soviets & allied armies were accepting surrenders from Germans long before that.
Because of the havoc wrought in the then Soviet Union at the hands of some German units & individuals, the Soviets who conquered Berlin had not a lot of time for The Germans who held out until the end in Berlin & other European cities in 1945.
Sometimes when taken prisoner, the soldiers do not know if they will survive the encounter or the hardship looking forward. Conversely, the ones taking prisoners of war do not know if there are risks from zealots or enemy with one last score to settle. The situations were always fraught with danger and high nerves on both sides.
We have many images and video of the surrenders to look at whilst looking at this new set from Stalingrad Miniatures. These soldiers are amongst the many that have inspired this set and single figures...

Soviet soldier
Kit No# 3261
From Stalingrad Miniatures
1/35th scale
One figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & boxart by Alexander Zelenkov
A single soldier with a borrowed German pistol. This Soviet infantryman is sold as a single figure, in unpainted resin parts. He is sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov, who also painted him and the others for the box art. His is a hot-headed young man brandishing his pistol in a threatening way towards his nervous captives...
Colours bring a flushed and young look to this soldier's face, we can see he is uptight about something. His comrade needs to step in here to stop something rash happening.

 Soviet soldier
Kit No# 3262
From Stalingrad Miniatures
1/35th scale
One figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & boxart by Alexander Zelenkov
Seen by himself, in constructed bare resin, this soldier does not really tell much of a story. As part of this set, a whole new dimension is added by his gesture to his younger, hot-headed comrade who wants to ice his captives.
The painted and constructed figure is brought to life and is seen, I think, as an older man with a mustache which fits the narrative of this story. The older, cooler head consoling and bringing reason to the situation.

German POW
Kit No# 3263
From Stalingrad Miniatures
1/35th scale
One figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & boxart by Alexander Zelenkov
On the ground there are boots, the young officer's cap, his pistol in its holster, his map pack and opticals (binoculars). The sculptor's work can be seen a lot clearer in the put together figures below in bare resin.
Long leather boots off, the soldier is seen with both hands raised in an awkward manner, his face in anguish as he worries what comes next. 

German POW
Kit No# 3264
From Stalingrad Miniatures
1/35th scale
One figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & boxart by Alexander Zelenkov
Sculpted & boxart by Alexander Zelenkov, the figure is made up below, and includes the soldier's gear in the form of his Kar.98 rifle and ammo, his flask, gas mask cannister, entrenching tool and bread bag. Stripped or dumped when soldiers are taken prisoner. 
Seen painted up, this teen soldier is seen with both hands up, all of his belongings on the ground and a white hankey of surrender in his hand as he hopes for safe package. An SS man, this soldier we think is the subject of rage from the Soviet soldier with the pistol. They had a hatred for the SS , and with good reason, and this was the problem for the captor in this case.

German POW
Kit No# 3265
From Stalingrad Miniatures
1/35th scale
One figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & boxart by Alexander Zelenkov
Seen holding his hands way up high, this German soldier is surrendering to the enemy, we notice that his belt is taken out of his trousers, and lies on the ground next to him. You can see the sculpts detail in the bare, assembled figure below.
Painter up by the sculptor Alexander Zelenkov, you can see some different detail in this finished figure. You can see more of his young face, he is barely a teen, probably younger, forced into war in desperate times for his people or tricked into the fight by propaganda. This happens even now all around the world. 

 "I'll question him!..", 1945 Big Set
Kit No# 3260
From Stalingrad Miniatures
1/35th scale
Five figures in light grey resin in one set
Sculpted & boxart by Alexander Zelenkov
The set of five figures are seen combined in now a dramatic scene. One Soviet holds the pistol drawn at the enemy, whilst the other tries to console him, saying  "I'll question him!..", Hoping to calm him down. Interesting how these single figures make a scene in front of our eyes. They are sold for a slightly cheaper price then the single figures in the set.

These figures are sold as a single set - they are available right now - check these out and all of Alexander's other works at the Stalingrad Website: