January 20, 2023

Preview: Abrams Squad Vol 40 brings us more of the modern battlefield in immersive detail...

You can always bet on the best modelling to represent the modern battlefield in the Abrams Squad series of magazines. We have the info & images of what to expect in issue #40 in our preview...
Preview: Abrams Squad Vol 40 brings us more of the modern battlefield in immersive detail...

Abrams Squad 40
96 Pages
Available in English & Spanish
Preview: A new Abrams Squad Vol.40, featuring the best in modern armour from Pla Editions...
Abrams Squad is THE magazine is for modern warfare, vehicle enthusiasts and fans of great works. It is the first to take on this genre and probably the best source around devoted to modern warfare, the vehicles and people that fight in them from around the world. Here you will find the most engaging articles by the best modellers and writers in the world. Step by step articles, painting techniques, building techniques, illustrated reports, news, reviews and much more.

4.- Commander's Display Unit brings you news and reviews from the latest products on the market right now...

8.A current theme on many modeller's wishlists, the M.1278 JLTV-GP from I Love Kit is featured in the build section called "RTS". In direct comparisons with the real thing. The model is built and displayed step-by-step to show the readers the finer points of the kit.
20.- A place brought to our attention for some horrific deed of recent times, The subject of this diorama is in the title: "Irpin 2022" features Trumpeter's 1/35th scale BMD-4M kit with lots of accessories of the modern battlefield. The pieces that we see every day strewn on the urban fields of battle. Sungjong Kim's diorama goes some way to showing us what it could look and feel like.
32.- The first of this issue's "references" section features the "JLTV OF 1ST ABCT "Raider" Division. Currently deployed to Europe, Walter Böhm gives us a photo essay and roundup of the men and their JLTV on deployment in this section..
38.- The Canadian MBT of the desert war, the  “MEXAS Walking in the Desert”,  features the Meng kit in 1/35th scale. Masaya “Miyabi” Yamashiro has picked the variant with the dozer blade on front for his diorama scene.
50.- The star of this diorama is well-known APC, the "Russian Battle Taxi MT-LB". Made from the Trumpeter kit in 1/35th scale by Thomas Birzer. The addition of figures from Evolution Miniatures of Russian soldiers add relatability to the scene. See how he does it in his story.
60.- Back to the "Nam" next with Víctor Tomás' gallery of  “The Mekong Surfers”. His build of the Academy M113 kit in 35th scale. The diorama shows the carrier churning up the river, piled with soldiers atop and in an evocative setting that straight away resonates the Vietnam War.
68.-The well known setting for most of us nowadays, unfortunately. The battle in Ukraine goes on, and "Children of War" reminds us that this fight for their country started in 2014. Using Paracel Miniatures kits of these resin figures and Trumpeter's BTR-80 Trumpeter. We see an immersive scene from Takehisa Shimotani.
78.- Vincenzo Lanna is next, with his story “Lift Truck Kalmar 240" in which he makes this crane from Four Star Miniatures in 1/35th scale. You can see the sale of the diorama by the size of the man on the guard of the lift truck - a large and impressive diorama.
90.- The second of the reference section is called “Armored News" and covers a broad range of armoured vehicles in all-new photos from the Abrams Squad team.
96.- The Turret Basket section always previews the next volume of Abrams Squad and the newer kits are on the way...

This new great edition is now available from the Pla Editions Website...