Preview: MiniArt's 2023 catalogue makes up for lost time with lots of new items on the way...
Now MiniArt has released their latest list of new kits for the new year as well as showing you some of what’s already on sale. We have a fairly large version, so you can see the releases and the “New” items that are marked in it. An interesting and exciting bunch of known and new kits are in here…The brand new items are marked in bright red - there are also some kits to be announced as the year goes on so stay tuned even after this for more from Miniart in 2023.
The series of kits that Miniart is going to focus on this year are laid out for you. Also a hint to check out their Twitter, FB and "insta" pages (if you are into that type of thing...
Can their first aircraft kits in 48th scale be on the way? After this year's hiatus, MiniArt are back in business and one can see they are keen to push their 48th scale series of kits into the fore. Starting with their P-47 Thunderbolt kits. They will release both an advanced and a basic kit to modellers - let's hope this turns into a bigger series!
A new series of accessories for military vehicles and aircraft will suit these new planes in 48th continues to interest modellers. Maybe some vehicles may come in the future to suit them?
You all wanted these tractors in better detail, now Miniart listened and gave you just that in 1/24th scale - the whole range guys!!!
To add to their very successful WWI kits of the last two years, MiniArt are adding the British B-Type armoured lorry! This series of kits are proving popular and actually being built by modellers…
Miniart are yet to complete their releases of StuG's from this year, they finish this series with the late gun mantlet tanks & a whole family of vehicles after their Pz.IV's of last year set the high bar. !
Miniart is now recognized as making some of the very best military models on the market - they have a lot of respect in the modelling community and their range looks to be growing larger gain this year...
New figures are on the way this year - these are on the improve after a rocky start from Miniart and the new kits look great to populate dioramas.
Weapons, shells and equipment are included to populate your scenes.
The Miniatures series is either civilian or at a pinch to be used with your wartime dioramas.
Beautiful civilian figure sets enhance the history of the last century that you strive to create in your modelling scenes.
The Military Miniatures series of kits feature on post-WWII vehicles in the "modern" warfare scenes and scenarios. The BTR-4E Early type is going to be a very popular kit we think!!
Figures and accessories top out the modern military series to give some context to what you are making.
What if? - more like what the... - a great range from Miniart with a lot of crossover potential, We are looking at this line and hoping for more from them than we see here maybe in the future.
More accessories than buildings of recent times - The buildings and accessories are becoming a mainstay of many dioramas and tools for modellers to choose for the right scene...
Road and traffic signs ad a lot of "Street appeal" to their kits :-)
MiniArt has always been about "everything you need for a scene in the one box" - and this Panzer IV set from last year was a step up from them, we know they will increase the range of these sets with the more successes we see from this range and subjects to select.
This new Soviet ammo loading set looks sure to continue the success of this series...
We loved their 35th scale early helicopter series, we hope more can come this year?
The larger-scale historical miniatures can still be made into something quite special.
Smaller scale buildings are still in the catalogue, but nothing new this year coming...
A quick reference chart here for the existing and new items which are marked in there.
Check out the Miniart site for more info on all of their kits...