February 22, 2023

Preview: ICM's new 35th scale CH-54A Tarhe - Step by step video construction...

A BIG kit with a daunting construction process no doubt, ICM's new 35th scale Tarhe will sure be impressive once the modeller puts the time in. We have a CAD construction process from start to finish to show you it goes together in our video preview...

Preview: ICM's new 35th scale CH-54A Tarhe - Step by step video construction...

Sikorsky Ch-54A Tarhe US Heavy Helicopter
From ICM 
Kit No #53054 
1/35th scale
Price: $211 USD from Hobbylink Japan
The two large scale Ch-54 Tarhe's that were announced early last year in the 2022 catalogue announcement  is finally with us. We have a new video from ICM today of the construction process in CAD of the spindly chopper. We combine that with some images of the real kits we showed you previously....

The construction process video here...
ICM's previous test shot build:
The people at ICM have taken the time to build the kit to show us how it looks, and the true size of the model once completed.

The dimensions of the kit are 62.7cm rotor span, 18cm high and 77cm long from tip to tail.
You can see more of the detail afforded to the rotor, engine and cockpit in this test build.
Up on a build jig, you can see the pose of the helicopter in flight. It will be a structural genius that shows this kit in this scale actually hovering off the ground. Challenge to you guys!
Th ekit even sits on its own wheels without coming apart! We are sure it is pretty sturdy once built. A real head turner at any modelling table or competition, we would think!
This kit will be available from ICM's distributors or from the links above.