March 22, 2023

Updated info on Border Model's 35th scale T-34/85 112th plant turret

We have some updated images and info showing more of Border Model's 1/35th scale T-34/85 Composite Turret - 112 Plant version. We look at them in our updated preview today...
Updated info on Border Model's35th scale T-34/85 112th plant turret

T-34/85 Composite Turret - 112 Plant w/5 resin figures, Workable track & Metal Gun Barrel
From Border Model
1/35th scale
Photo-etched parts included:
Metal barrel included.
Five resin figures included
4 Schemes included in the box
Last week we showed you some information on the new 35th scale T-34/85 112th plant turret kit from Border Model. This week we have some more concrete facts on the forthcoming kit, and what the modeller can expect in the box.

The Figures:
There are five figures, designed and 3D sculpted by Jason Wong. these will come to the modeller in resin. The figures show some varied faces, from a far eastern soviet face to one that looks a little like Putin!
Here are the light grey resin figures that ride on the tank. Once is seen at the front of the tank, surveying the scene ahead. We wonder what he is looking at?
The four riders sit on the grille easily, they are seen in late summer gear, as some have the ushanka padded headgear on. A great addition to the kit that you would have to go outside the box to pick up anywhere else.
Some details of the kit in close up and in plastic. The first image shows the turret armour texture. The second showing the rear of the tank, with the photo-etch and external fuel tanks, the suspension and tracks.
There are four marking choices included in the box. Three in that Russian green, and another unidentified in a whitewash fro winter that might suit the hats of the tank riders.
More on this kit when it comes to market. For more on Border Models products, look at their website.