April 05, 2023

New boxart added to Takom's three new Apache warriors...

You can tell a lot about a kit from the box art, and now Takom has just added the art for all three of their latest AH-64 kits to the CAD drawings we looked at this week, a lot can be confirmed. See what we learnt from the new art in our preview...

New boxart added to Takom's three new Apache warriors...

Apache AH Mk1 Attack Helicopter
From Takom
Kit No #2604
1/35th scale
3 marking choices included...
Designed with Snowman Model
Available in May
The kit: Takom's 1/35th scale AH Mk.I Attack Helicopter
We received CADs today showing the alterations to Takom's AH-64 kit to convert it into the British version.
A look all around the kit with CAD drawings, the green shows the main parts that have changed on this type.
A great addition to differentiate your kit is the RCEFS tank and CRV-7 rocket pods. No need for resin here mates! Also, the RTM332 engine is included with the HIDAS - Helicopter Integrated Defensive Aids System, which offers optimum self-protection by rapidly identifying hostile weapon systems and initiating appropriate tactics and countermeasures. 

From Takom
Kit No #2605
1/35th scale
3 marking choices included...
Designed with Snowman Model
The kit: Takom's 1/35th scale AH-64DI "SARAF" 
Up until now there was only a leak of this sent out, showing the Snowman logo, but it appears now with the official release of these CADs that Takom & Snowman are both issuing this kit variant. We received CADs today showing the alterations to Takom's AH-64 kit to convert it into the Israeli AH-64DI "SARAF" version.
A look all around the kit with CAD drawings, the tan colours on the drawings show the main parts that have changed on this type. Listed changes are the ROKAR CMDS Rokar electronic countermeasures system. these chaff and flare-dispensing technologies provide optimal responses to IR and radar-guided missile threats by integrating flight data with data from electronic warfare sensors, such as radar warning receivers and missile warning systems.
The CAD new features highlighted in tan below..
Added to this kit are the Reduced Size Crashworthy External Fuel System (RCEFS) with an estimated tank weight of 290 lbs and a usable fuel capacity of 122 gallons. These, and the SATCOM Network Systems for Helicopters which provide helicopters with secure, Beyond-Line-Of-Sight (BLOS) voice and data communications, which are essential for nap-of-the-earth (NOE) flight when no other communications means are available. 

AH-64D Longbow "D of the World"
From Takom
Kit No #2606
1/35th scale
5 marking choices included...
Designed with Snowman Model
New colours for the longbow:
The new version of the Longbow from Takom fills most of the void of marking choices not already taken up. The Hellenic Air Force, Kuwaiti AF, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Republic of Singapore & Emirates air force are all featured on this boxing...
We do know now from the box art the schemes chosen from the  The Hellenic Air Force, Kuwaiti AF, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Republic of Singapore Air Force, Emirates Air Force.

You can see more about Takom's kits on their website or on their Facebook page.