April 04, 2023

Takom gives the world a "D" in their new five nation release...

The cry for everyone's favourite nation of apache has been answered with resent releases of the British & Israeli AH-64 kits. Now Takom makes the Multinational Longbow edition of their kit with five nations featured. More in our preview...

Takom gives the world a "D" in their new five nation release...

AH-64D Longbow "D of the World"
From Takom
Kit No #2606
1/35th scale
5 marking choices included...
Designed with Snowman Model
Available in May/June
New colours for the longbow:
The new version of the Longbow from Takom fills most of the void of marking choices not already taken up. The Hellenic Air Force, Kuwaiti AF, Royal Netherlands Air Force, Republic of Singapore & Emirates air force are all featured on this boxing...

DISCALAIMER - We do not know the exact schemes of aircraft chosen yet, but here are some examples of the countries D models (some with & without mast sights) that could well feature once each in this boxing...

The Hellenic Air Force
Kuwaiti AF
Royal Netherlands Air Force
Republic of Singapore Air Force 
Emirates Air Force
You can see more about Takom's kits on their website or on their  Facebook page.