May 23, 2023

Meng's 1/72nd scale M1A2 SEP Abrams TUSK I/TUSK II on the way...

The push to bring new technology & no doubt a few model sales to their 72nd scale range, Meng has brought out the top dog in their version of the M1A2 SEP Abrams TUSK I/TUSK II MBT. We have some CAD images & a few tips of the new kit we show you in our preview...

Meng's 1/72nd scale M1A2 SEP Abrams TUSK I/TUSK II on the way...

From Meng
Kit No # 72-003
1/72nd scale
Dimensions: 140mm L / 61mm W / 47mm H.
The Subject: The M1A2 SEP Abrams TUSK I/TUSK II
The M1A2 SEP main battle tank is the latest variant of the U.S. M1 series main battle tanks. The M1A2 SEP MBTs serving in the Middle East and Afghanistan are usually fitted with the Tank Urban Survival Kit (TUSK). This TUSK kit includes add-on armour against chemical energy armour piercing projectiles, bulletproof steel and glass shields against rifle bullets outside the commander’s and the loader’s hatches, and a coaxial M2HB heavy machine gun mounted on the main gun. The combat capability of M1A2 SEP MBTs fitted with the TUSK kits has been greatly improved in urban combats.
The original TUSK I added block-shaped reactive armour to the tank sides as well as an anti-mine underplate, additional M2 heavy machine gun above the main gun, and shields for the loader. The TUSK II upgrade further added shields for the commander and the distinctive tile-shaped reactive armour, although these were not fitted to all M1A2 SEPs.
The Kit: Kit #72-003 1/72 US Main Battle Tank M1A2 SEP Abrams TUSK II
This 1/72nd scale U.S. Main Battle Tank M1A2 SEP Abrams TUSK I/TUSK II plastic model kit features the TUSK II system. It includes a simple one part suspension and track links. All crew hatches are realistic and movable. The main gun has real elevation and depression angles. The coaxial machine gun can move together with the main gun. The commander’s M2HB machine gun and panoramic thermal imager are shown. Clear lights and periscopes are included. . 

Accurately reproduced heat radiation cover for the engines.
The machine gunner's bulletproof shield and the commander's observation port are realistically reproduced with transparent parts.
The link & length type track is made to be easy to assemble.
The size after assembly is about 140mm in length, about 61mm in width, and about 47mm in height. The kit comes with additional reaction armour and link & length type tracks. It is realistically reproduced with an easy-to-assemble parts configuration.
The kit is slated for a September release, You can see more of Meng's kits on their website.