May 05, 2023

MiniArt's 35th scale German Soldiers With Fuel Drums. Special Edition

More good oil from MiniArt who have reworked one of their classic kits into something a little more voluminous. The five figures are added to with new oil drums. See them in our preview...

MiniArt's 35th scale German Soldiers With Fuel Drums. Special Edition

German Soldiers With Fuel Drums. Special Edition
From MiniArt Models
Kit No: 35336
1/35th scale
The kit contains 5 Figures & 6 Drums
It seems an age ago that MiniArt brought out their classic kit "German Soldiers With Fuel Drums". The only problem with this kit was their work was done in two - with only a scant two barrels to push up their improvised ramp. You had to buy the rest if you wanted to make a decent load's worth.
Tis kit is now long on the discontinued list, so MiniArt have released this kit afresh in a "Special Edition" version, with the same five figures, but extra sprue of oil drums with decals for each one to give them some extra detail. 

What exactly is different to make this a special edition?
We can see the extra fuel/oil drums that you didn't get in the original. There are four six extra drums in this kit.

The sprues: The six drums on these six sprues.
Three sprues of drum lids and augers (again not in the original) to hand pump out the liquids inside.
The five figures come on a side of the sprue each with another two fuel drums - so really you get EIGHT fuel drums in this kit, not the six mentioned in the feature set.
A few ideas for colours of the oil/fuel drums. Different German Army drum symbols are printed on the tops of the barrels.