May 26, 2023

Scenes of rural Vietnam from Gecko Models on the way...

The evocative scenes from south-east Asia, and particularly Vietnam are the subjects of the first four kits from that theatre in 35th scale from Gecko Models. They feature not machines of war, but the people affected by the war. We look at them in our preview...

Scenes of rural Vietnam from Gecko Models on the way...

The Water buffalo has long been a constant companion to the farmers of south-east Asia and in particularly synonymous with the Vietnamese farmers and families. These beasts are still working now in many farms, but Gecko's four sets show them with their owners in the 60's and 70's.
New subjects featuring the countryside of Vietnam in 1/35 scale  come to us in the form of four kits. This is the start of many kits forthcoming from Gecko. We take a look at the first four here now...

60'~70's Farming in Vietnam.
Kit No #35GM0107 
1/35th scale
This set features two farmers and water buffalo in 1/35th scale. In plastic, the set sees one of the beasts laying down, while the other is harnessed up to the plow at work.

60'~70's Vietnam Buffalo Set.
Kit No #35GM0108 
1/35th scale
This second se can be used as a complementary set to the first we saw, it features two water buffalo and the woman owner, while some type of stalk sits atop the back of the beast wallowing in the water.

60's - 70's Vietnamese Children , Puppy And Buffalo Set.
Kit No #35GM0109 
1/35th scale
These two young boys are seen riding their water buffaloes, a simple rope being the reins, while one carries his puppy with him, holding him aloft. This is a very gentle scene that suits a peaceful setting somewhere in Vietnam or surrounding areas of the era.

60's - 70's Vietnamese Farmer Cattle Cart Set.
 Kit No #35GM0110 
1/35th scale
After the work has finished what better way of getting their crop to the nearest town or village than the water buffalo and wooden car? This cart and beast full of grain or rice bags is driven by the two villagers and again, it would suit either a quiet road or countryside scene.

These kits have not been advertised by distributors yet - which is usually the first people know of them, so no pricing or other information yet. We will let you know when we know more.

You can find out more about Gecko Models kits on their website