June 23, 2023

New Miniart 35th scale Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Nibelungenwerk Late Prod. Sep-Oct 1943 coming soon:

MiniArt's new  Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H from the Nibelungenwerk factory, a late production variant from around September, October in 1943 is the latest in their series. It looks to emulate the sister kits in this range. We look at the kit and the real tanks that feature in this boxing in our preview...

New MiniArt 35th scale Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Nibelungenwerk Late Prod. Sep-Oct 1943 coming soon:

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Nibelungenwerk Late Prod. Sep-Oct 1943
From MiniArt Models
1/35th scale
Kit No #35346
Decals for three options in the box
The Subject: The Nibelungenwerke Panzer IV Ausf.H  Late Prod. Sep-Oct 1944
Despite the fact that the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H was supposed to have monolithic front hull and superstructure armour, some tanks constructed in June, July, and even August featured bolt-on appliqué armour. There were various combinations with a monolithic plate on the superstructure and appliqué armour on the hull, or vice versa. A similar scenario occurred with the side observation devices. It was fairly uncommon for the front hull to be monolithic but the observation equipment to remain in place. The observation devices were finally decommissioned in September 1943. The removal of rear pistol apertures on the turret followed the naming change and began in August 1943.

Krupp-built Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H, October 1943. The tank had the second type of skirt armour and forged drive wheel hubcaps.
The installation of smoke grenade launchers on the turret's side was discontinued in June 1943. At the same time, tow hook linking attachments known as C-hooks due to their shape were introduced. Two of these hooks may be found near the left headlight. The right headlight was removed somewhere between June and July of 1943, when the Germans began to cut costs. Another simplification occurred in September 1943, when welded travel stops replaced cast ones. At the same time, cast hubcaps were replaced with forged hubcaps.

Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H took this shape until the end of 1943.
In October of 1943, the simplifications continued. Rubber production was in trouble, and it had to be salvaged in any way possible. The return rollers on the Pz.Kpfw.IV were steel rimmed. 

Cast idlers were introduced in October of 1943. They never fully replaced their predecessors.
In October 1943, simplified cast idlers were also introduced. They never completely replaced the original idlers, and both were still in use at the end of manufacture. 

One of the markings in this box is this variant, number "521"
The second version of skirt armour was also introduced in October 1943. Experience revealed that the mountings needed to be changed, and these alterations were implemented in October. The bottom of the front skirt armour part was reduced a month later.

Another of the kit marking choices, no "732"

MiniArt's new kit: What we know...
MiniArt is coming to market with their Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H Nibelungenwerke. Late Prod. Sep-Oct 1943 kit in 1/35th scale. This is, of course, an expansion on their other excellent Panzer IV series. This one is without an interior so the emphasis will be on a fast and easy build. All hatches can be posed open & closed and the embellishments to make it into an H from the Nibelungenwerke factory.

The sprues of the kit
Clear plastic parts included
Photo-etched side skirts are offered for correct scale thickness and a scope for damage or removal if so desired.
The decal sheet for this kit's three markings
The three choices of colour schemes offered in this kit.

You can see more about this kit on the MiniArt Website...

New #MiniArt Kits Available in June 2023:

Restock Items: