June 26, 2023

New waiters for MiniArt's cafés & restaurants in 35th scale

Who says it s hard to find wait staff? MiniArt has provided us with four new waiters to serve your café & restaurant needs in 1/35th scale. We take a look at them our preview...

New waiters for MiniArt's cafés & restaurants in 35th scale

From MiniArt
Kit No #38052
1/35th scale
Sculpting by Sergey Alekhno
The kit contains four figures of waiters, ready to serve!
MiniArt's latest figure set of four figures are ready to serve you in your latest diorama of a café or a restaurant scene - as long as it is in 1/35th scale they will bring it out from the kitchen!
Sculpted by Sergey Alekhno, these four figures are taken from MiniArt's earlier set of café and restaurants in 35th scale.

Here they are, constructed and ready to serve!
This set will perfectly combine with the recently released (this year) "Café Visitors 1930-40s".

"U.S Soldiers in Café" from MiniArt is another kit in this series that could be used in conjunction with this kit...
The other kit this will go very well with is this recent release, "British Soldiers in Café" from MiniArt, Kit No #35392
also, Kit No #38062 "French Civilians, 1930s - 1940s"...
That is all we know about this release so far. See more about all of MiniArt's kits on their website...