June 11, 2023

Preview: DioraMag Volume #14 from Pla Editions

We have been looking forward to seeing the new DioraMag issue - and this one looks like it won't disappoint! Images with some story guidelines describing the contents aplenty are in our preview for you...

Preview: DioraMag Volume #14 from Pla Editions

DioraMag Vol.14
Published by Pla Editions
96 pages
Soft Bound
English language
Price: 17€
DioraMag is well known to discerning modellers. It is a unique magazine focused on dioramas and famous scenes from new and well known modellers from all around the world. Inside the pages, you will find the best articles of the best modellers and writers in the world. Step-by-step articles, painting techniques, building techniques, showcases, news, reviews and much more.

We have a round-up of the contents of issue #14 and some of the images of the models and the pages from this issue...

Pla Editions; Dioramag Vol.14 - contents:
3.- Scenes of carnage in the French Villages after the D-day landings by the allies and the German attempts to escape the pocket are captured in the dio called “Escape from Falaise" by Xu Cheng. 
10.- News - The team often bring us news of new enhancements to our dioramas and modelling tools and helpful new materials to hit the market place...

12.- Martin Kovac, known to many of you as the Youtuber "Nightshift" should rightfully have had an article in this series, and he does in this (and the cover shot) with his story “Dioramic Evolution“. 
26.- "Diorama Classics": has number one in the series, “Endstation 1” by Bernhard Lustig - We do not have a photo for this article unfortunately...

32.- Bernhard Lustig work called “Endstation 2.0”, Bavaria April 1945. Bernhard uses a 35th scale Panzer IV from MiniArt Models, with figures from Alpine, Stalingrad, Warriors and S&T. 
46.-  A beautiful two-part tale of two scenes in the diorama called "Ghost Ship " by Michael Liu. The duality of scene between an E-Boot in its prime, cresting waves at full power - to a beached and deserted boat some time after WWII on the sandy beaches, a wrecked derelict. This is an impressive piece, and we look foreword to seeing how he did it.
60.- "PECTOPAH?" - from the Slavic meaning "restaurant" is the subject of Thomas Birzer's Chechen War Diorama. The Trumpeter ML-TB kit is the star of this scene, along with her crew and the roadside food place they have stopped unexpectedly at. We don't know what is on the menu here until we get to rea the article though!
66.- A smaller scale but in just as much detail - Marek Zindulka's "Battlefield Pacific" replicated a dense jungle scene in 1/72nd scale. The scene of a bizarre aerial crash with an onlooker in a Stuart wondering how the plane stayed up in the top foliage is the heart of these vignette. 
74.- Kreangkrai Paojinda's "Victim of the Storm" captures a moment in the first "Desert Storm"  in 1991. We see an obliterated Iraqi T-55 with a soldier from the victorious side looking on in one could say puzzled bemusement that it could be torn aside so wantonly. It would be lovely to see how he detailed this thing in his article. 
80.-Next, we see Bianchi Giampero's well known award winning work called "Winter Relax, Alsace 44". The photo below isn't in the magazine, but it shows us the scope of this large scene that he populates. The old house of several levels, with US G.I.s at rest preparing and planning the advance in the cold, cold winter of 1944 in North-western Europe.
92.- "Monte Cassino" by Giovanni Lombardo is the final work in issue fourteen. The last defence of the monastery is shown in a scene of German Fallschirmjäger at rest in their ruined defensive positions, taking some time before the big push that was surely to come. A large scene with plenty of detail within.
This latest issue looks great to us, it is ready to order from the Pla Editions website...