July 01, 2023

Preview: Italeri's July releases in art, sprues, colours...

A Jaguar, a Horch, a colourful Growler & a big Blitz pit are the latest releases from Italeri in July. We look at the artwork, sprues, parts & decal / marking choices in our preview...

Preview: Italeri's July releases in art, sprues, colours...

Opel Blitz Classic
From Italeri
No #3960
1/24th scale
Two marking choices in the box
The Opel Blitz project was set up with the aim of mass producing a robust and reliable commercial vehicle that could be used for different applications and tasks. Opel began production of the early trucks, based on a typically US “layout”, in its Rüsselsheim plant in the early 1930s. This was a success story that evolved over time and continued until the mid-1970s.

The two marking choices in this kit.
The decals supplied in this kit
The Opel Blitz’s sturdy structural characteristics were noted by the Wehrmacht and subsequently deployed by them during the Second World War, in both the 4x2 and 4x4 versions. However, its wartime role was later to be eclipsed by its the great commercial success as a civilian vehicle. During the post-war reconstruction period the Opel Blitz was indispensable to Germany’s recovery, being used by merchants, craftsmen, industrialists and many others to rebuild the country.

The parts of the kit

EA-18G Growler
From Italeri
No #2824
1/48th scale
Model Dim. 38,1 cm
Three marking choices in the box
The Boeing EA-18 G Growler was designed to fulfil a specific U.S. Navy requirement. The aim was to commission a specialized carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft to replace the outdated Grumman EA-6B Prowler. The Growler is directly derived from the tandem-seat fighter F/A-18 F Super Hornet and retains all of its main aerodynamic features and characteristics.

The three marking choices in this kit.
The decals supplied in this kit
Its General Electric engines enable the Growler to attain a maximum speed of Mach 1.8 and its flight performance is similar to that of the main carrier-based aircraft. The 2-man crew consists of the pilot and a WSO (Weapon System Officer). In place of the F/A-18’s 20 mm cannon the Growler has a dedicated electronic warfare system mounted. Additionally, on its hard points, the Growler can carry high and low band jamming pods, additional fuel tanks and AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles.

The parts of the kit

Kfz. 12 Horch 901 typ 40 frühen Ausf.
From Italeri
No #6597
1/35th scale
Model Dim. 15,7 cm
Four marking choices in the box
Beginning in the mid ‘30s Germany sought to improve the mobility and mechanization of its Army. One of the more important requirements of its ambitious development program was the adoption of a standard military chassis which would optimize cross country mobility. Among the different versions that were proposed, the medium off road passenger cars, four wheel drive platform, built by Opelwerk and Auto Union found favour.

The four marking choices in this kit.
The decals supplied in this kit
The Wehrmacht used them in various configurations as troop transports, as tow tractors and in reconnaissance roles. The Kfz. 12, built by Horch (Horch was part of the Auto Union group together with Wanderer, Audi and DKW), proved to be very reliable and robust in any operating environment due to its simple but effective design.

The parts of the kit

Jaguar T.2 R.A.F. Trainer
From Italeri
No #1470
1/72nd scale
Model Dim. 24,0 cm
Four marking choices in the box
The Jaguar ground attack aircraft emerged in the 1960s from a collaborative project between the French and British aviation industries and was operated by the Royal Air Force until the late mid-2000s, thereby demonstrating extraordinary longevity and operational efficiency. 

The four marking choices in this kit.
The decals supplied in this kit
Its two turbojet engines were able to attain and also exceed Mach 1.6. It has been deployed on numerous and quite often highly complex missions in operational theatres, including the Balkans and Iraq. The T2 two-seat trainer version was developed for operational conversion of British RAF pilots. It was also capable in its secondary role of ground attack and close support missions but unlike the single-seat version, it was armed with a single 30mm Aden cannon.

The parts of the kit

These should be in shops at the beginning of next month. From more on Italeri's kits check out their website...