August 21, 2023

Box art adds more to the feature-added AH-64D Longbow "Block II" from Takom in 35th scale...

Takom have added box art to their new parts, the rotor blade fold kit & even the pilots to their new "Block II" AH-64D Apache Longbow kit. We look at the features of the Block II & the new parts in this new kit in our preview...

 1/35th scale AH-64D Apache Block II - Takom add pilots & parts to their late Longbow...

The Subject: The AH-64D Apache Longbow
Surely one of the most lethal helicopters ever devised, the Apache AH-64D/E is capable of destroying armor, personnel, and materiel targets in obscured battlefield conditions. The Apache is a twin-engine, four-blade tandem-seat attack helicopter equipped with an M230 30-mm cannon, Hydra-70 2.75-inch rockets, and HELLFIRE missiles (both laser-guided and radio frequency). 
The current Army Aviation fleet contains both AH-64D Longbow Apaches and AH-64E models. The Apache is fielded to both Active Army and Army National Guard armed reconnaissance battalions and cavalry units. The aircraft is designed to support Brigade Combat Teams across the full spectrum of warfare.   

AH-64D "Longbow" Apache
Longbow is readily identifiable by the mast-mounted antenna for its radar. It allows the AGM-114L to be fired in an autonomous fire-and-forget mode, whereas the laser-guided Hellfire requires external designation or use in conjunction with the TADS, and as such is a line-of-sight and non fire-and-forget  weapon. The APG-78 radar can detect, classify and prioritise 12 targets simultaneously, and can see through the fog and smoke that currently foils infra-red or TV sensors.

AH-64D Longbow Block II 
Starting with Lot 7, and continuing through the remainder of the 501 planned conversions, AH-64Ds are being delivered to the service in an Apache Extended Block II (EB2) configuration. Block II includes new avionics, digital enhancements, and communications upgrades. Among the systems added are a digital map, a high-frequency radio, and JVMF messaging. The initial Block II aircraft was delivered to the Army in February 2003.

The kit: 1/35th scale AH-64D Apache Block II from Takom:

AH-64D Apache Longbow Block II
From Takom
Kit No #2608
1/35th scale
Four marking choices included in the box
Designed with Snowman Model
This new kit from Takom promises a few additions to their earlier Longbow kits. The additions of the upgraded cockpit parts with new avionics and equipment. The bonus rotor folding kit is supplied as well as the pilot and gunner. 3-D sculpting from Snowman Model who designed the kits.
The pilot and gunner, 3-D sculpted and printed, and the new avionics and updated cockpit parts are the main changes to this kit to bring it up to "Block II" standard.
The blade fold kit is of course included in this kit, and we are confirmed to have four marking choices in the kit - Noiyce!
That is all we know about this release for now. You can see more about Takom's kits on their website or on their  Facebook page.