August 18, 2023

MiniArt roll out the Men With Wooden Barrels in 35th scale...

MiniArt keep on making new kits of civilian figures and objects to flush out your dioramas - "Hey - they don't all haff to be Army dudes!" See their latest kit of two men and a bunch of barrels in our preview...
MiniArt roll out the Men With Wooden Barrels in 35th scale...

 Men With Wooden Barrels
From MiniArt Models
Kit No: 38070
1/35th scale
The kit contains two figures and two barrels plus decals in the box.
MiniArt is making lots of new 1/35th (& some 1/48th) scale figures, accessories & vehicles to match your dioramas that aren't specifically military subjects, or those that can be added TO your military scenes if you know what I mean.

We have  some images from the history books that might have inspired a set like this, or could give you some reference for your own kit...

The new kit from MiniArt
Four plastic grey sprues and a small sheet of decals to make this set of two men and their rolling stock.

The small decal sheet gives us a marking for each of the barrels.
Four barrels are included to get the ball rollin'
The two figures of the burly men rolling the barrels are on a small sprue each
This kit should be available next month from MiniArt's distributors worldwide. You can see more about this kit on the MiniArt Website...