September 01, 2023

We see the first plastic in sprues of MiniArt's new 48th scale P-47D-25 RE Thunderbolt

After seeing the CAD designs, colours & decals of MiniArt's new 1/48th scale P-47D-25-RE, we see the first plastic with photos of the sprues. See what we saw in our preview...

We see the first plastic in sprues of MiniArt's new 48th scale P-47D-25 RE Thunderbolt

P-47D-25 RE Thunderbolt
From MiniArt Models
Kit No: 48009
1/48th scale
The kit contains two marking choices in the box.
Clear parts, full engine & weighted wheels are included
After looking at the CADS, the colours & decals, today we look at the sprues of MiniArt's excellent looking "Jug" in 48th scale. We take a look at them now.
The sprues of the kit:
We have new CAD renders of the kit's parts, showing several of the features of the model at this stage.
The two fuselage halves are split down the middle, and you can see here in the wing roots the wings will use some anchoring to meld them snugly into the wheel wells.
Flying surfaces are posable, as are the cowling flaps, and wheels can be posed up or down, with raised or weighted wheels and oleos.
The upper and lower halves of the wings here. The fillet of the dive brakes for latter models is not here on the D-25-RE variant and a filler part is included. We hope MiniArt include guns on their detailed kit version.
The cockpit front frame hints at a latter Razorback, the underside of the wing fillets to make this version are present here.
The P-47D-25-RE's 2,500lb bomb load with many options,  this sprue is supplied in 50, 100, 250 & 500LB bombs. It seems that there are weighted wheels supplied in this kit, in both the solid disk (often on earlier & razorbacks) and the six and eight spoked wheels (normally for the "N" version) with diamond and regular cross patterned tread. The ordinance lugs are here, and we notice the insets of the wheels are simple to install into the wheels.
The 200Gal. flat and 150 Gal P-38 style external fuel tanks, the smaller, 108 Gal, & "Paper" 200 gallon drop tanks, a smoke generation unit and tank, plus the M10 "bazooka" rockets are another option.
The ribbed floor of the P-47D25-RE is present. The port sidewall is detailed as is the instrument panel and rear cockpit wall with wiring pre-installed. This looks a lot more detailed than the 32nd scale kits of the same type. The Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp engine is here, all you will need are some wiring harnesses.

This kit should be available next month from MiniArt's distributors worldwide. You can see more about this kit on the MiniArt Website...