We think this is probably the best set of figures, stowage & equipment to suit your 35th scale German halftracks that we have ever seen. We look at the set & single figures all in our preview...
Preview: 1/35th scale "German Half-Track Crew, Big Set" (& single figures) from Stalingrad Miniatures...
Stalingrad Miniatures have been busy creating a new "big Set" with eight new figures and a stowage set for your German half tracks in 1/35th scale. This set looks pretty much like the ultimate accessory for this kit. See a little more about them in our preview...
German soldier
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3271
1/35th scale
Single figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov
This soldier is seen looking up at the sky - maybe off into the distance, or maybe for the expected "Jabos" that were a constant latter on during WWII. Below, you can see him assembled in his raw grey resin form from both sides as he twists to look up and out of the halftrack that he is designed to fit inside.
Painted up by the sculptor and box artist, Mr Alexander Zelenkov, you can see even more of his detail. The camouflaged smock that he wears over his field grey trousers and boots with gaiters on them, The soldier comes with only his service pistol in its holster for weapon.
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3272
1/35th scale
Single figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov
Seen sitting, minding his own business and looking straight ahead - this soldier doesn't want ANY trouble. He could be used for many scenarios, from a placid drive, to a halftrack with just two men inside it. You can see him below, as cast in light grey resin by the sculptor, Alexander Zelenkov.
He also takes are of the box-art figure below fully painted. You can see he carries an MG barrel case with him. The camouflage smock, M43 helmet and Kar.98 being features. Maybe he is the MG gunner's mate?
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3273
1/35th scale
Single figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov
Another Panzergrenadier, this one isn't taking any chances either a he peers over the thin sides of the angled halftrack sides. Below, you can see him as cast and assembled in light grey resin. This soldier carries not only the Kar.98, but also the Panzerfaust, as well as an alternate cloth covered M43 helmet.
Painted up, we see another facet of detail of this figure and his weapons. The man wears the flat forage overseas cap, his harness bears ammo pouches for his rifle, and the folds and wrinkles in the clothing. Panzergrenadier
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3274
1/35th scale
Single figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov
Cradling his Mp40, this Panzergrenadier is looking over his left shoulder as he sits opposite his comrades on the benches of the halftrack. Below, we see him assembled from the light grey resin parts into the single figure.
This man has the flat forage cap on his head, but also has included a full M43 helmet (with internal webbing no less). You might notice the large and very full bread bag on his right hip as he turns to see over the lip of the halftrack.
Squad Leader
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3275
1/35th scale
Single figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov
An interesting pose for this soldier, as he leans back on the MG inside the halftrack. This squad leader is seen with his MP-40 and ammo pouches on his chest. He interestingly wears the camouflage veil, usually associated with snipers, but sometimes issued to soldiers.
A bullish face, squinting as he looks forward. This soldier is fitting the pattern of the set in that he is looking at something over the sides in the distance... The detail on this soldier is really something special.
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3276
1/35th scale
Single figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov
Our last Panzergrenadier in the rear of the half track is seen wearing his flat, forage cap, camouflage smock over his uniform trousers and high, early war style jackboots, The flask and mess tin with bread bag along with the ties in the smock to hang foliage and save on some buttons!
Seen painted by box artist & sculptor Alexander Zelenkov, this figure is standing in the halftrack, with his hand on both his rifle and the other in the side of his belt.
Machine Gunner
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3277
1/35th scale
Single figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov
This machine gunner is seen next to his charge, smoking a cigarette as he looks out of the vehicle. Cast in light grey resin, which you see constructed below, you can see that the Mg42 is included in the figure, along with the belt of ammo from the gun...
He sure looks like he is telling a good story doesn't he!German Half-Track Driver
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3278
1/35th scale
Single figure in light grey resin
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov
Product Link on the Stalingrad Miniatures Website
Put your shirt back on! This driver of the half track is seen wearing the flat overseas cap with some goggles around his neck. Trousers still on thank goodness. It must he a hot driving station or a warm day we think?
The sculptor, Alexander Zelenkov does skin nicely here as he shows the skinny, but kind of out of shape driver as he shares a cigarette tipping it our over the edge of the halftrack,
Accessories for Sd.Kfz. 251
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3279
1/35th scale
Stowage & accessories in light grey resin in the one set
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov
A large swathe of equipment, stowage, clothing and a spare wheel are also included in this set. A Panzerschreck, MG ammo boxes, entrenching tools, backs with flasks, bread bags & canteens ,ponchos, gas canisters, rocket ammo boxes & rounds, this set has thirty two parts in light grey resin.
German Half-Track Crew, Big Set
From Stalingrad Miniatures
Kit No# 3270
1/35th scale
Eight figures in light grey resin in the one set
Sculpted & box art by Alexander Zelenkov

These figures are sold together as a single set, and they are available right now - check these out and all of Alexander's other works at the Stalingrad Website: