October 04, 2023

Sixteen great new releases for your 35th scale vehicles & AFV's from ET Model

Wheels, aerials, tracks, cans, seatbelts & even a propeller are amongst the sixteen great-looking new releases in 1/35th from ET Model. See them in our preview...

Preview: ET Model's new 35th scale accessories & upgrades for your vehicles

E.T. Model have recently released a raft of new 3-D printed figures and aircraft accessory sets for some of your vehicles & AFVs in 35th scale. We have a brief look at them while we wait for more information in the form of the real items to come...

Russian 20L Fuel Cans Set
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-263
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
Ten pieces in tan resin make up this set. There are five each of two separate types of can.

Russian T-72 MBT Family Workable Track (Type I)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
These 180 tracks and 360 pins to fit them together suit your Russian T-72 MBT Family, with workable tracks (Type I) for your 35th scale kits that match the T-72 hull.
The track seen on the "Terminator" in a dynamic scene. Track tensioning required...

WWII  German 2Mtr. Vehicle Whip Antenna Set for Fu 5 Radio Set.
From: E.T. Model
Kit No# P35-
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
The real aerial shown in a size comparison, then on the tank itself.

WWII German Schwimmwagen Type 166 Propeller Set
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-261
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
The set come sin 3D printed tan resin. Here is the CAD work for the kit showing printed supports that must be removed.
Seen on the rear of the Schwimmwagen, this new propeller is a definite upgrade to the kit versions.

WWII German 1.8M Star Antenna Set
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-271
Materials: Tan resin, photo-etch & resin
1/35th scale
This set of tan resin, photo-etch & resin make up the aerial, mount and fasteners for the aerial. The only thing missing here could be a handy cone to bend all the vanes at the same angle.
Shown in size and in-situ on just one of the German tanks that used these.

WWII German Pz.Kpfw.III/IV (Ostketten)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-
Materials: Tan resin, photo-etch & resin
1/35th scale
These tracks work for your Panzer III & IV (and variants).
220 links with 440 pins make up this kit. They are 3D printed in tan resin.
Now this might be a misleading photo. The photo-etch, resin and MG are all separate E.T. Model kits, but the tracks reflect this release.

T-80 MBT Family Workable Track (Type 1)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-067
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
The tracks for the T-80 come with 180 links and the 360 pins to put them together.
The tracks installed onto the T-80 chassis type (this is not the MBT)

WWII German Sd.Kfz.251/Sd.Kfz.11 Sprockets & track links (Early)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
Two wheels in tan resin are supplied in this kit.
Great photos showing the front wheels for the halftrack. The tracks, idler and idler tensioners is further down the page.

WWII German Kübelwagen Type 82 Sagged Wheels (Narrow)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-135
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
The thinner wheels for your land or water bound "wagen" are supplied with four and a spare for your kit.

WWII German Kübelwagen Type 82 Sagged Wheels (wide)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-136
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
This set of five weighted wheels for your Kubel or Schwimmwagen have the wider tread with fat tread. Printed in 3D in tan resin.

WWII German Steyr Type 1500A/1500A-1 Sagged wheels.
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-137
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
There are five tan resin sagged wheels for your Tamiya Steyr 1500 that needs all the love that it can get.

WWII German Kübelwagen Type 82 Sagged Wheels (Narrow)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-138
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
The narrow tracked wheels for the Kübelwagen are supplied in five pieces of 3D printed tan resin here....

WWII German Kübelwagen Type 82 Sagged Wheels (Balloon Tyre)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-139
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
These fat tyres used widely in the sandy areas especially in the western desert. Five in the set.

WWII German Sd.Kfz.251/Sd.Kfz.11 Sprockets & track links (Early)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-407
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
The front drive sprocket wheels & idler wheel tensioners...
CADs showing the workings and construction of the 120 tracks & 240 pins.
The sprockets, tracks, idler wheel tensioners on the halftrack. The MGs are in a separate set.

WWII German Sd.Kfz.251/Sd.Kfz.11 Sprockets & track links (Late)
From: E.T. Model
Kit No#P35-407
Materials: Tan resin
1/35th scale
The front drive sprocket wheels & idler wheel tensioners...
CADs showing the workings and construction of the 120 tracks & 240 pins.
You can see the tracks and drive wheels here on the halftrack. The front pair looks great also.

KamAZ-43509 Master photo-etch set
From: E.T. Model
For the Zvezda #3657 KamAZ-43509 Master
Kit No#E35-318
Materials: Photo-etch
1/35th scale
The three main seatbelt harnesses here painted up.
In a walk around the truck you can see the photo etch not just in the cabin, but on the wiper blades, the mesh grilles on top and the sides, engine guard and the cloth cabin window protectors.

The only challenge I found with the Gloria / ET Modeller products was where to buy them. Despite my best efforts to locate a website or Facebook page, I came up empty-handed. The one retailer I found that had them listed was Hobbylink in Japan.

You can see more of Gloria Models products on the ET Model Website...