October 22, 2023

The senior span U-2 & US T34 from Hobbyboss in December

A peculiar looking Dragon lady and the US version of the T34 (albeit a bit heavier) are the subjects of Hobbyboss' December items. We look at the sprues, colours, decals & build up kits in our preview...

The senior span U-2 & US T34 from Hobbyboss in December

U-2R “Dragon Lady” Senior Span
by Hobby Boss
Model: 81740
1/48th scale
Price: $95 USD on the HLJ Website
U-2 built in complete secrecy by Kelly Johnson and the Lockheed Skunk Works, the original U-2A first flew in August 1955. Early flights over the Soviet Union in the late 1950s provided the president and other U.S. decision makers with key intelligence on Soviet military capability. In October 1962, the U-2 photographed the buildup of Soviet offensive nuclear missiles in Cuba, touching off the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The colour schemes presented in this kit
The decals in the box
Based on the F-104 developed by Lockheed's top-secret development division Skunk Works. It was capable of flying in the stratosphere at an altitude of over 20,000 meters, and was used to collect intelligence on the former Soviet Union and Cuba during the Cold War. This model kit from Hobby Boss is a precise and accurate model of the aircraft, with a satellite communication pod called Senior Span attached to the back of the aircraft.

-The parts & sprues of the kit
Model Length: 401.5mm /  Wingspan: 653.1mm   
Total of 8 sprues
The kit consists of over 130  parts
-Detailed fuselage & wing 
-Photo etched parts included
The kit built & painted by Hobbyboss modelers

US T34 Heavy Tank 
by Hobby Boss
Model: 84513
1/35th scale
The T34 Heavy Tank was an American design for a heavy tank. It was evolved from the T29 Heavy Tank and T30 Heavy Tank in 1945, sporting a 120 mm (4.72 in) modified anti-aircraft gun. Extra armor plating was applied to the rear of the turret bustle as a counterweight for the heavier 120mm T53 main gun. The vehicle was deemed too heavy and no production orders were placed.

The colour scheme presented in this kit
The decals in the box
This is the final variant of the T29 heavy tank, which was developed during World War II as a vehicle that could compete with German heavy tanks and tank destroyers. It was equipped with a 120mm tank gun based on the 120mm anti-aircraft gun, and additional armor was welded to the bustle at the rear of the turret to balance the heavier gun. This model kit is precisely and accurately modeled; the turret and lower part of the hull are reproduced with slide molds. Photo-etched parts are included.

-The parts & sprues of the kit
Model Length: 332mm  / Width: 109mm  
Total of 18 sprues , upper hull , lower hull and turret
The kit consists of over 1100 parts
-Multi-slide moulded lower hull and upper hull
-Photo etched parts included
The kit built & painted by Hobbyboss modelers

These new kits are (or should soon be) available soon from Hobbyboss' Distributors Worldwide...