November 08, 2023

A day late(r) - Takom's second Tiger I (Late) W/zimmerit 2-in-1 kit in 35th scale...

Takom has released the companion to match their "Mid" Tiger I yesterday in the form of this, the "Late" model Tiger in a 2-in-1 kit. See what we found about this new release in our preview...

A day late(r) - Takom's  second Tiger I (Late) W/zimmerit 2-in-1 kit in 35th scale...

Yesterday we got more information on the first of Takom's three new Tiger I's with the Mid-production release in CAD form. OF course the usual calls of "ohh no not another Tiger " etc. We are looking at this positively, and look forward to seeing it in flesh to see if they have made an improvement on other kit releases of the same type. Today we look at Takom's second release, the Late Production version of the Tiger I in new CADs to see how this one is different and its features...

Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E - Tiger I Late Production w/Zimmerit 2-in-1 kit
From Takom
Kit No: 2199
1/35th scale
Stowage included
Tracks with a jig included for assembly
Photo-etch included
Metal barrel option included.
Twisted cable provided for towing cable
Price: $47.75 USD from Hobbylink Japan
In this CAD image we see a new close up showing the surfaces of the hull and turret and the zimmerit that Takom's designer has moulded to this kit. The latter, more coarse pattern is replicated nicely here, with slight damage to the surfaces on show.
TO help us understand better what's new and optional the designers have given us the options included in this kit highlighted in pastel shades. There are two different turret roofs & muzzle brakes, a choice of two cupolas, periscopes and two vision ports on the front, flat mantlet. Two choices of return rollers  - one in each size and front flat glacis that suits the latter Tigers is also on display.
Metal is provided in the way of an option of the large 88mm barrel replica in either metal or plastic. We know which one you will chose! The turned wire for the towing cable and the thin photo-etch is included to replicate the thinner parts of the kit in 35th scale.
In a great way of not only adding value, but a selling point to the kit, the designers have supplied maybe the longest un-ditching log in the world (ever) strapped to the side of the kit's hull. Cloth covered roadwheels, folded and rolled tarps and two boxes are also supplied in this kit. Different to the mid model in most respects. Of course, those helmets, barrels, Jerry cans and buckets are included.
The tracks are supplied with a jig to help in putting them together. They look like individual links which will please as many people as they displease!
The differences between the late and the late command version can be seen in this simple illustration. This is the 2-in-1 element of the kit's title. It is good to have choice!
That is all we know about this releases for now. You can see more about Takom's kits on their website or on their Facebook page.