January 14, 2024

Preview: Gloria Model's new 48th & 35th scale crews, prop & jet accessories for 2024

"Gloria Model", has released a raft of new 3D printed detail upgrades & figures to suit your prop & modern jet kits (plus some marines on deck). These look like they are of great quality - we have info in our preview...

Preview: Gloria Model's new 48th & 35th scale crews,  prop & jet accessories for 2024
E.T. Model, under their sub-brand "Gloria", have recently released a raft of new 3-D printed figures and aircraft accessory sets for some of your props or modem jet projects in 48th & 35th scale. We have a brief look at them while we wait for more information in the form of the real items to come...

 F-35A/B Sagged Wheels
3D Printed Exhaust Nozzles
From: Gloria Model
1/48th scale
Kit No#GR48301A
A trio of two rear main wheels plus one nose wheel are in this set of 1/48th scale  3D printed parts of resin. Shown weighted, to suit your weighted down lightning II F-35 in "Beast Mode".
Both F-35A & F-35B hubs are included to choose from in this set

F-35A/B Wheels
3D Printed wheels
From: Gloria Model
1/48th scale
Kit No#GR48301B
Supplied in the form of two main gear & one nose gear wheel, these three wheels are made to suit Tamiya's 1/48th F-35 Lightning II kit. The parts are supplied as separate pieces to make for easier painting.

 F-35B Exhaust Nozzle (CLOSED)
3D Printed Exhaust Nozzles
From: Gloria Model
1/48th scale
Kit No#GR48036B
Depicted in the closed position, this big burner can from the F-35B Lightning II is sold as a single (of course) and it is designed to fit the Tamiya 1/48th scale kit.

F-35B Exhaust Nozzle(OPEN)
3D Printed Exhaust Nozzles
From: Gloria Model
1/48th scale
Kit No#GR48036A 
A single F-35B lightning exhaust nozzle is in this kit. Depicted in the open position at full thrust or take off, these nozzles are designed to suit the Tamiya kit.

 Rafale Exhaust Nozzle
3D Printed Exhaust Nozzles
From: Gloria Model
1/48th scale
Kit No#GR48021
The beautiful Dassault Rafale is next to be improved, with the Revell kit in 1/48th scale's nozzles set for an upgrade with this set. There are of course, two nozzles in this set and they have distinctive inner and outer structure & actuators.

 Eurofighter Typhoon Exhaust Nozzle
3D Printed Exhaust Nozzles
From: Gloria Model
1/48th scale
Kit No#GR48020
The cans for the Eurofighter Typhoon are both supplied in this set. Sold as a pair in 48th scale, these represent the thinness of the real thing as you can see from the CAD drawings. They are made to suit the Revell kit...

USMC Ground Crew 4 figures
3D Printed figures
From: Gloria Model
1/48th scale
Kit No#F48003
This set of four figures in 1/48th scale are the same as the 35th scale sold as single figures, but all in the one set here. One would think they would be great for a helicopter or F-35 diorama on a deck somewhere in the world.

  USMC Ground Crew (Type 4)
3D Printed figure
From: Gloria Model
1/35th scale
Kit No#F35004
Kneeling down and giving the motion to stop, maybe he is parking a bird on the deck? Who knows, but he is sold by himself, but of course you can match him with his comrades if you wish.

USMC Ground Crew (Type 3)
3D Printed figure
From: Gloria Model
1/35th scale
Kit No#F35003
Fixing something up high, this marine is probably fixing an inspection panel or something of the like with both hands at the same level. We are sure you can think of something. Sold singularly here.

USMC Ground Crew (Type 2)
3D Printed figure
From: Gloria Model
1/35th scale
Kit No#F35002
Standing a little more causally or observing with intent, this US Marine is on the deck ready to assist with operations. He is sold as a single figure.

USMC Ground Crew (Type 1)
3D Printed figure
From: Gloria Model
1/35th scale
Kit No#F35001
Standing off at the ready, this 1/35th scale marine is sold as a single figure to be used by himself or with the other three in this group. Goggles on will make painting him easy and efficient we think.

P-47D Seat (Late Vision)
3D Printed seat
From: Gloria Model
1/48th scale
Kit No#GR48502 
A pair of seats to suit your Tamiya 1.48th scale P-47 Thunderbolt, that we also could well fit inside your new MiniArt kit without too much fuss, These two seats feature belts moulded in to them. SO they are suitable for a kite with no one inside.

P-47D Sagged Wheels (Type 1)
3D Printed wheels
From: Gloria Model
1/48th scale
6 spoke & plain hub disk is included in this set.
Kit No#GR4802A
The wheel hubs are included as two parts that interlock for perfect alignment & fit. These are meant to suit the Tamiya kit, but may of the new MiniArt kit builders out there will be interested in these we think!
The only challenge I found with the Gloria products was where to buy them. Despite my best efforts to locate a website or Facebook page, I came up empty-handed. The one retailer I found that had them listed was Hobbylink in Japan.

You can see more of Gloria Models products on the ET Model Website...