January 18, 2024

Preview: Kotare's new Bf 109K-4 in 1/32nd scale

Kotare have released new CADs of their latest kit in development, a (non-Spitfire) indeed, as this one is the 1/32nd scale Bf 109K-4. Check it out in our preview...

Preview: Kotare's new Bf 109K-4 in 1/32nd scale

Bf 109K-4
From Kotare
Kit No #K32009
1/32nd scale
Marking choices TBA
Price: TBA
Due for release late 2024/ early 2025
Kotare have not rested on their laurels with Spitfires, as now a the "Hun" enters the fray, with a (latter war) Messerschmitt Bf 109K-4 kit in 1/32nd scale in development.
We have only three CAD views right now, but we think this news will excite a lot of modellers out there who appreciate Kotare's unique products and quality, and who are on the lookout for an Axis type to join the fray!
This late war Messerschmitt model kit is being developed using the most up to date reference material available. But in a smart step, Kotare have offered modellers & enthusiasts to get in touch with their team to help improve on what you see here, an already impressive looking set of renders. 
Kotare's new kit no K32009, Bf 109K-4  in 1/32nd scale looks to be released in either late 2024/ or early 2025. Check out their website for more information on all of their kits...