January 02, 2024

The Buc they didn't think they wanted - but we do - the RAF Buccaneer S.2B in 48th from Airfix

Airfix have revised their naval Buccaneer with new parts and decals to make the much anticipated RAF version - the  Buccaneer S.2B in 1/48th scale. We look at the schemes and some of the kit's features in our preview...

The Buc they didn't think they wanted - but we do - the RAF Buccaneer S.2B in 48th from Airfix

Blackburn Buccaneer S.2B
From Airfix
Kit No # A12014
1/48th scale
New parts included for the RAF version
Four marking choices in the box 
The RAF's "Buck"
Entering RAF service some seven years after it had with the Royal Navy, the Blackburn Company received an initial order for 26 new aircraft, with RAF machines having several differences from their seaborne counterparts and designated S.Mk.2B. 
For an aircraft the Royal Air Force didn’t really want, the Buccaneer proved to be an exceptionally capable machine and by the time they were scheduled for retirement, they were reluctant to let them go.
Although the RAF were forced to take a naval aircraft they had originally dismissed, it didn’t take long before the camouflaged Buccaneers of the RAF began to show why this was definitely not a second-rate aircraft option.

The new kit from Airfix in 48th scale:
This kit of the  much-anticipated Blackburn Buccaneer S.2B RAF variant in 1/48th scale is now available. The kit is detailed, with a skill level of #4 (#6 for me). The kit also contains various new parts to create the RAF variant. 

Several photos in a walk around of one of the marking choices, Blackburn Buccaneer S.2B, XW544, No. 15 Squadron, RAF Laarbruch Germany, 1971.
 New parts for this kit consist of RAF slipper tanks, bulged bomb bay and a whole load of new armaments. Once built, the Blackburn Buccaneer S.2B measures a total wingspan of 279mm and 402mm in length, and contains 320 parts.

A well-known scheme - Blackburn Buccaneer S.2C, XW547/R, Guinness Girl/Pauline, Operation Granby/Desert Storm, Muharraq Airport, Bahrain, 1991 is also included.
New armament in this kit includes:
• 4 x Sea Eagle Missiles
• 1 x Paveway II LGB
• 1 x Sidewinder
• 1 x Pave Spike
• 1 x AN/ALQ-101 ECM Pod

A third scheme, that of  Blackburn Buccaneer S.2B, XV352, No. 208 Squadron, Op Red Flag, 1977 included in the box.
There are four schemes, spanning from 1971 to 1993, with a variety camouflages and liveries of some pretty interesting Buccaneers:

You can see more about this kit or pre-order directly from the Airfix Website