January 23, 2024

“The Last Kübelwagen” Berlin 1945 – Big Set & singles in 35th from D-Day Miniature Studio...

D-Day Miniatures new big set & single figures try to convey the disorganized panic of the soldiers trying to flee the Russian encirclement of Berlin in 1945. We look at the time, the scene & the figures in our preview...

“The Last Kübelwagen” Berlin 1945 – Big Set & singles in 35th from D-Day Miniature Studio...
Pawel Krasicki from D-Day Miniature has several new sets and single figures available for sale that capture the last desperate hours of soldiers attempting to scape the Russian encirclement of Berlin. We will look at them, but first a little about the scene...

The German Breakout Attempts from Berlin, April 1945
On May 1, the 9th Army made one final effort to break through the Russian Army's last barrier, where 12th Army had also managed to hold on to an escape hatch to the Elbe. The last four Panther tanks of the Kurmark Division turned up just in time to force the Soviets to retreat, and 25,000 men of the 9th Army (out of its original complement of 200,000), some near collapse, were able to cross the Elbe to American captivity.

A cornucopia of vehicles in the foreground of the heavily damaged Brandenburg Gate
At 9:30 that evening, Hamburg radio announced what had been kept secret for a day and a half, that Hitler was dead, having fallen fighting “at the head of his troops.” Very few people in Berlin heard this news, as there was no electricity in the capital city. Now the Battle of Berlin degenerated into a fight to enable Martin Bormann and the other bunker inhabitants to attempt the great escape. Very few made it out. Most, including Mohnke, were caught by the Soviets, and Bormann appears to have been killed in a skirmish with Russian troops.

Burnt German cars on the streets of Berlin. In the foreground of the picture are burned-out cars Volkswagen Tour 82 Kübelwagen, and a Horch 108 type 40.
Krukenberg plotted an escape as well but came under heavy shell fire. He had no choice but to retreat. He and a colleague put on some overalls and he hid out for a week in a friend’s apartment until he had no choice but to surrender.

Oberwallstrasse, in central Berlin, saw some of the most vicious fighting between German and Soviet troops in the spring of 1945.
Russian General Zhukov, on hearing of breakout attempts, ordered a maximum alert. Even so, shortly before midnight, the remaining vehicles of the Muncheberg and 18th Panzergrenadier Divisions began their breakout from the Tiergarten westward, heading through the Olympic Stadium and Spandau. They rolled over the Charlottenbrucke, the Havel bridge held by Hitler Youth detachments, in heavy rain and under heavy artillery fire, which killed many people, including Himmler’s younger brother Ernst, a radio technician. The bridge massacre was horrific, but the Germans had enough troops to push the Soviets aside and break through. The Soviets continued to hammer at the breakout force, and only a few vehicles reached the Elbe and relative safety. Most of the rest were wiped out.

This new set & singles from D-Day Miniature Studio
The new figures from the diorama "The Last Kuebelwagen - Berlin 1945" from D-Day Miniature Studio are now available. You can buy the full set of eight figures, the smaller sets of fours, or the single figures. The prices are listed below, and if bought from their web page directly, the shipping costs are very low. 

“The Last Kübelwagen” Berlin 1945 – Big Set – 8 figures
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35240
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
The set contains eight unassembled resin figures
Net Price: 135€
This big set of eight figures combined is called “The Last Kübelwagen” Berlin 1945 - and it is made and painted in the box art and this diorama by Pawel Krasicki. D-Day miniature studio have this set available at their website for the slightly cheaper price than paying for them as singles. They do create and evocative seen of a few conversation, nervous last cigarettes and poor kids who don't know what they are to face yet. We look at each of these as singles also below in this preview...

Kübelwagen Crew Vol. 2, Berlin 1945 – 4 figures set
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35239
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
The set contains four unassembled resin figures
Net Price: 69€
Two Hitlerjugend boy soldiers join the SS man and  Volkssturm Officer are in this set of four. We look at them more in this preview as singles below. They are sold in four at a slightly cheaper price than as they would be in singles.

Kübelwagen Crew Vol. 1, Berlin 1945 – 4 figures set
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35238
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
The set contains three unassembled resin figures
Net Price: 69€
This set of four figures features the RAD driver, Panzerman, Helferin & Hitlerjugend enjoyer in a set. We will look at them in singles below...

Hitlerjugend Boys, Germany 1945 – designed for Kübelwagen
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35237
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
The set contains unassembled resin figures
Net Price: 51€
This set features the three Hitlerjugend soldiers that we will look at more in depth by themselves. A set sells them slightly cheaper than buying in singles...

RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) Kübelwagen Driver, 1939-45
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35236
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
One unassembled resin figure
Net Price: 18€
This Reichsarbeitsdienst or Reich Labour Service (RAD) man is the driver of this Kübelwagen, and maybe the  source of salvation for this small group, although I don't think everyone will fit in there. Armband and hat makings of the RAD pick him out. He looks older also, maybe he was drafted in after being too old to fight at the front. 

Hitlerjugend Boy with Panzerfaust, Germany 1945
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35235
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
One unassembled resin figure
Net Price: 18€
With the Panzerfaust or Tank Fist on his lap, this Hitlerjugend soldier looks not much older than his comrades if he is at all. He does look confident of what is to come ahead, maybe happy to be thinking of escaping?

Hitlerjugend Boy, Germany 1945
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35234
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
One unassembled resin figure
Net Price: 18€
Another of the single Hitlerjugend boys, this boy soldier has a rifle slung over his back and a loo of confidence  at this point. Maybe he hasn't seen the worst of what is to come as of yet.

Hitlerjugend Small Boy, Germany 1945
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35233
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
One unassembled resin figure
Net Price: 18€
This little chap looks like he is in with the wrong crowd? Seen giving the Nazi salute, this young Hitlerjugend is one of the two in this larger set, and sports a helmet that perhaps looks a little large for him. He is in a war that is not made for boys his age also.

German Tank Crewman, 1943-45
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35232
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
One unassembled resin figure
Net Price: 18€
The look and gait of an experienced man, this tanker is seen without his mount as he also waits to get a lift to possible escape to the Western lines. Smoking a cigarette, his black tanker's jacket and reversible camouflaged / white pants are a recognizable feature along with his Mp-40 of course.

Luftwaffe Helferin, 1943-45
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35231
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
One unassembled resin figure
Net Price: 18€
 This young Helferin (helper) is seen in the uniform of the Luftwaffe, maybe a communication or ammunition reloading assistant. Here they are seen with a paper in their hands and a bag over their left shoulder sitting at their right waist. The pose is that of an exhausted young person with leg stretched out on the Kübelwagen's bonnet.

Volkssturm Officer 1944-45
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35230
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
One unassembled resin figure
Net Price: 18€
In the look of an older man, this Volkssturm Officer is seen enjoying a welcome cigarette while sitting on the rear of the Kübelwagen. Legs crossed and which what looks like a slight smile on his face, Maybe a moment of levity before they head off into the unknown?

Waffen SS Soldier, 1944-45
by D-Day miniature studio
Kit No #35229
1/35th scale
Sculptor & Box art: Pawel Krasicki
One unassembled resin figure
Net Price: 18€
In the pose of a hardened soldier who has seen it all, this Waffen SS man is seen chomping on a cigar, leg resting high as he looks upon the scenes of devastation all around him. Wool lined parka and lined reversible pants, his machine pistol strapped to his back ready to make his last journey.

If you would like your own copies of these figures, you can order them via the D-Day Miniature Studio website.