March 22, 2024

35th scale GFF „Eagle IV“ EKT / FüPers 2013 from Das Werk

The transportable, light-weight, fast & secure GFF "Eagle IV" EKT / FüPers 2013 is not only an important part of the Bundeswehr, it is also Das Werk's new kit in 1/35th scale. We look at the kits features, colours, layout & the real thing in our preview...

35th scale GFF „Eagle IV“ EKT / FüPers 2013 Geschütztes Führungs- und Funktionsfahrzeug from Das Werk

GFF „Eagle IV“ EKT / FüPers 2013
Geschütztes Führungs- und Funktionsfahrzeug (Protected command and functional vehicle)
From Das Werk
Kit No #DW35039
1/35th scale
Can be built as Einsatzkameratrupp or FüPers
Full interior kit
4 decal options
Clear parts & photo-etched parts included
The Subject: 
The GFF "Eagle IV" is a wheeled armoured vehicle that plays a significant role in modern military operations, particularly for the German Army, as part of the Armoured Command and Multipurpose Vehicles (Geschützte Führungs- und Funktionsfahrzeuge, GFF) Programme Category 2. It has been designed to enhance the safety of soldiers during missions abroad, boasting easy transportability, agility and tactical mobility which make it ideal for a wide spectrum of possible missions.
The GFF Protected guide and function vehicle Eagle IV emergency vehicle patrol fuse is with the remote-controlled light weapon station (FLW Remote-controlled light weapon station100) equipped
The Eagle IV comes in three main variants: the Patrol Security Vehicle (Patrouillensicherung / PatSich), Command Vehicle (Führungspersonal / FüPers) and Mobile Medical Team (Beweglicher Arzttrupp / BAT) Vehicle.So far, 495 Eagle IV vehicles have been produced for the German Bundeswehr. 

Eagle IV and Fuchs armoured vehicles.
The GFF-protected command and functional vehicle Eagle IV has a crew of four soldiers. It is 2.9 meters high, 5.4 meters long and 2.3 meters wide with FLW Remote Controlled Light Weapon Station 100. The Eagle IV has proven itself in German foreign missions as part of the ISAF or the UN MINUSMA and was borrowed and used by the Irish Army in Mali for intelligence gathering.

The Kit:
With this model, one of the 453 units of the GFF2 (Patrol Security Vehicles and Utility Vehicles for Command Staff) variant can be built. In addition to three command versions, there is also a deployment camera squad (Einsatz-Kamera-Trupp / EKT) variant. This one has a mast on the roof with an attached camera for the documentation and direct transmission of footage to the Operations Center of the German Operational Command.

Marking Options & Colour Profiles
The kit includes four different decal & marking options:
EKT, Bundeswehr, Germany, 2015
FüPers, ISAF, Afghanistan, 2013
FüPers, Bundeswehr, MINUSMA, Gao, Mali, 2016
FüPers, Irish Army, MINUSMA, Bamako, Mali, 2019

CAD images:
We can see more about the kit from the CAD images, and below we have some detailing the finer parts of this kit...

Side View - DW35039 GFF „Eagle IV“ EKT / FüPers 2013 showing some of the interior...
Chassis details - DW35039 GFF „Eagle IV“ EKT / FüPers 2013 -  a full underside suspension, frame and mechanical representation of the type.
Tyres - DW35039 GFF „Eagle IV“ EKT / FüPers 2013 
There are photo etch parts for those thinner parts of the kit, especially the insides of the vehicle.
The decals of he kit...
Das Werk are currently planning for delivery in the summer of 2024. However, this schedule may be subject to change

For more information on this kit check out their site at this link on the Das Werk Website
This kit is not on the webstore yet, but it will no-doubt come up for sale first on the MBK webstore...