From MiniArt
Kit No #38023
1/35th scale
Kit Features:
Doors can be assembled in open or closed position
Highly detailed engine compartment, transmission, brake, steering systems
Photo-etched parts included
Clear plastic parts included
Box contains models of: cargo truck, trailer, wooden barrels
Decal sheet for 2 options
Product Link on the MiniArt Website

Previously - Build guide Pt I - MiniArt's 1/35 German truck L1500S w/ cargo trailer.
Today: Paint & weathering guide Pt II - MiniArt's 1/35 German truck L1500S w/ cargo trailer.
In part 1, I described the assembly of the model and this part will focus on the finishing. To start it all off the model received a black base coat before the main colours were applied, after which the chassis and fenders were sprayed with a light coat of Tamiya XF-1White then over-sprayed with Tamiya X-7 Red. I did this to help the coverage of the red as spraying it directly onto black would not have worked.At this point the model should have received a gloss coat for the decals and weathering however the barrels needed to be painted first. Although they had been base-coated with XF-59 at the same time as the cargo beds, to introduce some tonal differences a few were sprayed with a lightened desert yellow and some were painted completely yellow. For the wood effect I used various oil paints that were brushed on then wiped away with a piece of sponge.
In part 1, I described the assembly of the model and this part will focus on the finishing. To start it all off the model received a black base coat before the main colours were applied, after which the chassis and fenders were sprayed with a light coat of Tamiya XF-1White then over-sprayed with Tamiya X-7 Red. I did this to help the coverage of the red as spraying it directly onto black would not have worked.
Before painting the bodywork, the barrels, wooden base of the cargo bed and trailer were sprayed in XF59 Desert Yellow, lightened and darkened to give some tonal variation.
The wooden areas were then sprayed with AK Worn Effects, after which the cab and bodywork were painted with Tamiya XF-8 Blue. The blue was lightened with white then lightly sprayed in between various panel lines, the planking and body panels. Although I had initially used LP-78 for the cab interior the results were not that good (probably due to user-error) and why I opted for XF-8 instead.
Using a flat and fairly stiff brush and water, I began scrubbing the bases to reveal the wood colour underneath...
...and deeper.
The point of this was to replicate wear and tear on the cargo beds due to the barrels being taken off and on. One thing I had forgotten about was the chassis for the trailer so the sides and underneath were carefully masked off and then painted. The front axles, towing hitch and trailer wheels were sprayed with XF-67 German Grey after masking the tyres.
The cab was next off the rank. Having painted inside, time to mask the transparencies off with tap and lay down the first shade of blue to the cab.
I lightened some areas to give some variation to those lovely curves of the cab.
The oil paint was left to dry for a few days then the barrels were sprayed with X-24 Clear Yellow to further enhance the wood colour.
The barrel on the left was before the application of clear yellow
The next job was to paint the steel bands on the barrels and although I was planning to mask and spray them it would have took far too long so I hand painted them instead with Vallejo black. The bands were then rubbed with graphite powder after which the decals were applied. When all THAT was done the barrels were given a wash of thinned sepia oil paint and they were finally finished. The bases for the barrels were just painted with oils the same as the barrels were and left as is as they wouldn't be that visible on the finished model.
The model was finally sprayed with gloss varnish and the decals applied to the bodywork;
As it was a civilian vehicle I didn't want to over do the weathering so the model got a wash of Mig Productions dark brown (which was darkened further with sepia oil paint). The model was partially assembled at this point and a mask cut out to match the size of the windscreen wiper, after which the chassis and lower areas of the cab and trailer were sprayed in a mix of Tamiya black and flat earth;Tamiya XF-55was then lightly sprayed onto the model to simulate dust, again I didn't want to over do it...
...and to the trailer of course.
The wheels were finally attached along with other details such as the side mirror and lamp and the model was done. I usually give a model a coat of matt or semi-matt varnish to finish it off but the weathering process actually toned down the previously applied gloss so I left it.Final thoughts...
With the different colours used and painting all those barrels it took longer than I expected and the model was becoming a bit of a chore, it has to be said that the colour scheme did complicate the build somewhat as attaching the rear mudguards was tricky and I had to eventually remove the two locating pegs on one of them to get it to fit.Still it made a nice change from the usual military subjects I build and makes a colourful addition to the collection, just be prepared for a little more work and forward planning.
The trailer...
...the truck & trailer together - ready to go to work.
Andy King.
Thanks to MiniArt for sending this kit to Andy to make and review for you. See more about all of MiniArt's kits on their website...
Addendum: Kit Instructions