April 11, 2024

Build sequence preview: 35th scale Sd.Kfz. 234/2 "Puma" Schwerer Panzerspähwagen full interior kit from MiniArt.

A bit of a break with the norm today as we see MiniArt's new Puma armoured car in a build sequence from their designer. We look at the major parts of the construction of the full interior kit going together in our preview...

Build sequence preview: 35th scale Sd.Kfz. 234/2 "Puma" Schwerer Panzerspähwagen full interior kit from MiniArt.

Sd.Kfz. 234/2 "Puma" full interior kit.
From MiniArt
1/35th scale
Kit No#35414
Full interior included.

The Kit:
We have a walk around of this kit in a build sequence today for you to discover more about the kit.
We  will not get in the way too much and let the photos tell most of the story as you see the full interior kit build up before your eyes...

The large eight wheels and tyres are the sandwich construction type. Some do not like this, but with just the right amount of glue, these sandwich together tyres give you a full tread with no sanding seams involved...
Two shots showing the base of the engine built up along with the wheels and tyres, ready to go into the engine compartment of the kit. This MiniArt kit provides the FULL engine by, not just an approximation as some others are offering in recent releases.
The engine in-situ, all this needs are some ignition harnesses to set it off...
The top of the hull removed showing the real interior of this kit, every compartment is filled out neatly, radios & crew compartment add to the full engine. The two halves of the hull shown before securing together. You will notice the open crew driver door and the pair of driving stations offered in this armoured car as in real life...
Another feature of this vehicle and correctly of this kit are the independent suspension and tunable wheels & tyres.
A view of the lower hull and suspension, showing the complex drives of this vehicle and the independent, turntable axles.
Vision ports, stowage compartments are all just begging to be shown opened up and under inspection by the German owners or the new custodians in a post battle - or WWII scene.
You can also show the engine fully removed of course, but with heaps of internals fully formed such as the fuel tanks and radiator etc.
From underneath you see the internal hill roof. The mount and the insides of the gun, radio & cans for the commander are shown in this photo.
The radios are an important part of the scout / recon vehicles, and the full sweet of communications including aerials (& cans) are included in the kit.
The Puma's 5 cm L/60 main gun is moulded in full, showing the whole mechanism here.
The 14,825 cc (905 in3) Tatra 103 V12 diesel with 157 kW (211 hp) is a big engine, and with a lot of ignition and wiring harnesses, you can see that MiniArt has supplied all of this inside the box.
The turret just minus the gun installed.
For those who want to show the puma without it's head...
A view from above with the turret removed showing the full engine compartment opened up , with engine inside.
The open and closed grilles for the rear engine deck are shown...
A series in a walk around showing the Puma completed...
This kit from MiniArt will soon be available - Until then, keep an eye on the MiniArt's website or just look in here for more info on MiniArt’s new stuff.