Test shot build of Magic Factory's 48th scale A-4M Skyhawk ...
USMC A-4 Skyhawk light attack aircraft
1/48th scale
From Magic Factory
Kit No #2007
Plastic injection model kit
Previous updates:
Introduction & release notes
Updated details
Weapons & stores
Today: Marking & colours
Previous updates:
Today: Second test shot of the kit in an updated preview before release.
Magic Facotry seem to be taking the release of their new A-4M Skyhawk in 48th scale some seriousness, as they are already at the second test shot phase, and this one has come to our attention in a series of new photos of the kit. We have already shown you everything else about the kit, including introduction & release notes, further details, weapons & stores and the markings & colours in our previous previews.
We don't need to add any more commentary on this kit than we already have - Here are the newest photos of the kit just prior to release sometime very soon we hope!