May 01, 2024

TMN on Tour: Mosonshow, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary 2024

It has been a whole week since the end of Hungary's most famous modelling show - the Mosonshow. Our man on the spot Jan Chojnacki (from picked around one hundred of the best for a show walk around for you...
TMN on Tour: Mosonshow, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary 2024
Where: Moson Model Show
UFM Aréna, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary
When: 19-21 Apr 2024
Photographer: Jan Chojnack from
The Moson Model Show features an exhibit of aircraft, naval, auto, sci-fi, figure, diorama, civilian vehicles and much more. It also provides the attendees with the opportunity to enjoy these displays and be a part of various competitions.
Visitors & participants came from around the world to this now major show on the international modelling calendar.

The Mosonmagyaróvár Modelling Club is the organizer of the model show and competition, now being held for over two decades. Over this time, this show has grown into an event that is one of Europe’s noted dates in the modelling calendar.

The main hall...
Modellers can enter in various competition categories: AFV, aircraft, diorama, figure, civilian vehicles. In the past 20 years, in average 1300 – 1500 models were displayed in over 40 categories. Thanks to the friendly relationships developed over the years and the optimal geographical location of the city in the heart of the continent, modellers living in the northern, southern, eastern and western part of Europe are meeting together here. As for the others coming ever from countries right across the world who are always greatly welcomed.

The army participated with vehicles & even some shooting practice!
The show is a joint effort by many Hungarian modelling clubs who collaborate and help each other. Judging is done by teams of internationally acknowledged modellers coming from all around the continent. Of course, this event is not only about modellers but for residents coming from nearby places.
Amongst many more photos on his website, our photographer Jan Chojnacki from was at the show. He took pictures of all genres of scale modelling at the show and he has shared some of the over three hundred with us here at TMN - Thank you, Jan!

Double click any of these photos to see these in large format - Enjoy!
...Till next time!

If you want to know more about the show, attend, or enter next year's competition, visit the Mosonmagyaróvár page -
You really should check out Jan Chojnacki's Facebook or his website -, where he offers heaps of helpful tips and wonderful model builds to guide and inspire you with content that definitely doesn't suck!