June 27, 2024

Preview: Meng's small scale American M142 HIMARS packs a big punch...

Meng's new 1/72nd scale American M142 HIMARS High Mobility Rocket Artillery System is almost ready to launch - we have CADs & art incoming kit for you in today's preview...

Preview: Meng's small scale American M142 HIMARS packs a big punch...

American M142 HIMARS High Mobility Rocket Artillery System
From Meng Models
Kit no# 72-004 
1/72nd scale
Plastic injection moulded and waterslide decals multimedia Kit
Product Link on the Meng Website
The Subject:
HIMARS is the most technically advanced, affordable and sustainable artillery solution, providing  cutting-edge technology on an indigenous platform. Maximum commonality with M270A1 launch system and MLRS interoperability. Simplifies coalition operations, training, logistics and coordination. The HIMARS carries a six-pack of GMLRS rockets or one TACMS missile, and is designed to launch the entire MLRS family of munitions.
Offering Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) firepower on a wheeled chassis, the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) is the newest member of the MLRS launcher family.
HIMARS carries a single six-pack of rockets or one ATACMS missile on the Army's Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) 5-ton truck, and can launch the entire MLRS family of munitions. It was successfully combat-tested in Operation Iraqi Freedom. HIMARS is C-130 transportable and can be deployed into areas previously inaccessible to heavier launchers. It also incorporates the self-loading, autonomous features that have made MLRS the premier rocket artillery system in the world. Under contract to the U.S. Army, Lockheed Martin has delivered more than 400 HIMARS launchers to the Army, Marine Corps and international customers.
In May 2005, the 3rd Battalion, 27th Field Artillery Regiment, XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery became the first unit equipped with HIMARS. Since then the Army has fielded eleven additional battalions, in both active and National Guard units. The Army plans to field an additional six battalions. Additionally, the Marines have fielded more than 38 launchers.
HIMARS has expanded its global presence and has begun to serve the international market, including such countries as Jordan, Australia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates anf Ukraine.

The Kit:
Meng has announced an all-new small scale American M142 HIMARS High Mobility Rocket Artillery System kit. The assembled kit's size is approximately 109mm in length, 41mm in width, and 41mm in height. The modular design makes assembly easy. The kit comes with high-definition water transfer decals.
This 72nd scale kit faithfully reproduces the appearance of the American M142 Hymars high-mobility rocket artillery system.
Modular design makes it easy to assemble and pays attention to every detail.
The windows are recreated using clear parts.
The tires are made of superior soft rubber material and are easy to assemble.
The rocket launcher can be mounted or fully retracted in trnsport mode (two different angles.)
The rocket launcher can be rotated just like the real thing
This new kit from Meng is still in development so keep an eye out here or on Meng's website  for more info on this new model