July 25, 2024

Preview: Border Model's Fw 190 A-8 R2/R6/R7/R8 in 35th scale

Four-in-one sounds like a good weekend - for some! But Border Model is offering just this, with a new 4-in-1 kit of their 35th scale Fw 190 A-8 kit, coming with extra parts to make the R2,R6,R7 or R8 versions. Interesting! We look at these differences & the kit test shot in our preview...

Preview: Border Model's Fw 190 A-8 R2/R6/R7/R8 in 35th scale

Fw 190 A8 R2/R6/R7/R8 
4-in-1 kit
From Border Model
1/35th scale
Kit No BF009
Transparent engine cover & Gun Bays
Photo etch for finer details included & brass gun barrels.
Four Schemes included in the box
The subject: Fw 190 A8 series - it's all about the Rüstsätze
Rüstsätze (field modification kits) were field modification kits produced for the Luftwaffe. They were packaged in kit form, usually direct from the aircraft manufacturer, and allowed for field modifications of various German aircraft used in World War II, predominantly fighter bombers and night fighters. Rüstsätze kits could be fitted in the field, as opposed to Umrüst-Bausätze kits, which were typically fitted in the factory. This was not a hard and fast rule, however; during production runs various Rüstsätze kits were often fitted by factories in order to meet Luftwaffe demands.

A diagram of different Rüstsätze for the A-8
Fw 190A-8/R8 Sturmbock (battering ram) of Sturmstaffel 1
Fw 190 A-8
The A-8 entered production in February 1944, powered either by the standard BMW 801 D-2 or the 801Q (also known as 801TU). The 801Q/TU, with the "T" signifying a Triebwerksanlage unitized powerplant installation, was a standard 801D with improved, thicker armour on the BMW-designed front annular cowling, which still incorporated the BMW-designed oil cooler, upgraded from 6 mm (0.24 in) on earlier models to 10 mm (0.39 in). Changes introduced in the Fw 190 A-8 also included the C3-injection Erhöhte Notleistung emergency boost system to the fighter variant of the Fw 190 A (a similar system with less power had been fitted to some earlier Jabo variants of the 190 A), raising power to 1,980 PS (1,950 hp; 1,460 kW) for 10 minutes. The 10 minute emergency power may be used up to three times per mission with a 10 minute cooldown in "combat power" between each 10 minute use of emergency power.

An underwing WGr 21/BR 21 rocket mortar  being loaded on to an A8
A line drawing of the A8 variant
The A-8 of Uffz. Walter Gerlach of 3./ JGr. 10, second from left, in front of "Black 11" of the Schlangen  ('snake') Schwarm photographed in Parchim. This is similar to the box art version "Black 8".
Fw 190 A-8/R2
The A-8/R2 replaced the outer wing 20 mm cannon with a 30 mm (1.2 in) MK 108 cannon. (as fitted to the Fw 190A-6 and A-8).
Fw 190 A-8/R6
The R6 suffix indicates a modification mounting the Rheinmetall-Borsig Werfer-Granate 21 rocket launcher (Bordrakete in Luftwaffe parlance) introduced in 1943, as an airborne version of the 21 cm Nebelwerfer 42. Werfer-Granate 21 was a development of the 21 cm Nebelwerfer 42. These rockets were used in the anti-bomber role to have a weapon with a longer range then the defensive guns
Fw 190 A-8/R7
Addition of armor to the cockpit (as fitted to the Fw 190A-6, A-7 and A-8)

Fw 190 A-8/R8
The A-8/R8 was similar to the A-8/R2, but fitted with heavy armour including 30 mm (1.2 in) canopy and windscreen armour and 5 mm (0.20 in) cockpit armour.

Sturmbock Fw 190A-8/R8 of the 11(Sturm)/JG 3
A line drawing showing the extra armour plate around the cockpit.

The kit:
A year ago Border Model came to market with their 1/35th sale aircraft range. One of their first releases was the Fw-190 A6/A8 kit. This was a well-revieved kit that had penty of options included and a lot of good detail.

The test kit built up by Border Model staff.
Now it is time for them to stretch that mould and bring us a four-in-one 😮 kit of the Würger. This one spans the A8 R2/R6/R7/R8 part of the family. Smart from them, as there was not much of an external difference in these airframes. It seems they have added some parts and photo-etch to the kit to make the different variants.
The test shot of the kit has already been assembled. It is the R-7/R8 version with the Sturbbocke extra armour and armamment.
The gunbays can be shown in an open position.
Etch seatbelts are included for the cockpit.
The BMW 801 full 41.8-litre (2,550 cu in) air-cooled 14-cylinder-radial engine is included in some detail, (This one looks like it hasn't been made upside down😆). The cowling can be removed to see it all when on the aircraft.

More on this kit when it comes to market. For more on Border Models products, look at their website