July 18, 2024

Preview: Dioramag Vol. #16 – Men and Whales from Pla Editions

Issue #16 of DioraMag features Per Olav Lund's masterwork on the cover - along with plenty of other scenery & stories inside to inspire & motivate the modeller. We look at the contents of the latest issue in our preview...

Preview: Dioramag Vol. #16 – Men and Whales from Pla Editions

Dioramag Vol.16 – Men and Whales
Published by Pla Editions
96 Pages
Soft Bound
English language
ISBN 978-84-129030-0-3
Price: 17€
DioraMag is well known to discerning modellers. It is a unique magazine focused on dioramas and famous scenes from new and well known modellers from all around the world. Inside the pages, you will find the best articles of the best modellers and writers in the world. Step-by-step articles, painting techniques, building techniques, showcases, news, reviews and much more.

We have a round-up of the contents of issue #16 and some of the images of the models and the pages from this issue...

Contents: "Dioramag Vol.16 – Men and Whales"
4.- “MEN AND WHALES " by Per-Olav Lund Join Per-Olav as he tells the story of whalers and their prey - or is it the other way around. His dioramas are mostly scratch built, with an eye to story telling and strong narratives, we are all inspired by his works, and it is a pleasure to see this one in detail in this issue.
12.- “FACCIATA A VENEZIA“ by Pere Pla who gets into the swing of creating a realistic building in Venice in this simple but compelling scene. This is a tutorial for the modeller with inspiration as the result.
22.- “THE SHADOW OF MY LONG-LOST SON” M-5 Stuart Diorama by Jaffe Lam who creates a touching scene in the French countryside after D-Day. Anyone with children we think could relate to the message in this scene.
34.- “THE LAST BATTLE” Berlin 1945 Diorama by Kim Ho Joon, who recreates the desperate times of the end of WWII in Berlin. Layers of figures, broken vehicles and machinery create a dense urban jungle & the people in it, stretched past it's limit in 1945.
40.- "MIG-21 GRAVEYARD IN PÁPA " by Peter Horvath. Peter makes more Mig-21's than the rest of us will ever have to in his diorama of an ex-Soviet-bloc aircraft boneyard scene.
44.- " THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK " Churchill and Cromwell tanks Diorama by Konstantinos Tsiompris. Konstantinos gives the Brits some love in this scene of breif respite before the next action. Dense with figures, scenery (& bunkers) with vehicles around, there is plenty to see & admire here.
56.- " SAFARI " Toyota FJ43 Diorama by Imad Bouantoun, which shows an intrepid explorer / adventurer up the creek without a paddle, but WITH a land Cruiser! Foliage, water & man versus nature are the subject of this wild scene...
78.- Showcase Dioramag:  We look at the amazing scenes from Daniel Buchmeier over several pages of his collected works...
86.- " MINDSCAPE " BTR-80 - In our last article, we see a sene from Masaya «Miyabi» Yamashiro depicing the ruin left during the Chechen war, and how the innocence of children grow in the shadow of conflict.
This latest issue looks great to us, it is ready to order from the Pla Editions website...