August 27, 2024

Carrier crews near completion from ResKit in three scales...

ResKit have progressed from 3D printed objects to figures in their recent sets. The latest is another part of their modern carrier crew in the form of the brown shirts (no, not THOSE brown shirts) in three scales. We look at them (& the other sets announced so far) in our preview...

Carrier crews near completion from ResKit in three scales...

ResKit has announced the continuation of their currently developing carrier drew deck in many colours. The sets we have already seen in development from ResKit may well be added to with all the colours of the rainbow - we will see in coming days what else is planned, but we thought you might want to see what is already slated for release...

We have already seen the "Yellow Shirts" who are responsible for moving aircraft, or to give hand signals regarding taxiing the a/c, or movement. They are also known as shooters, catapult officers are Naval Aviators or Naval Flight Officers, and are responsible for all aspects of catapult maintenance and operation. 

The new yellow shirt sets:
RSF32-0026 Yellow jersey waiting for work (Modern) Plane Director, Aircraft Handling Officer, Catapult and Arresting Gear Officers (4 pcs) (3D Printed) (1/32)
RSF48-0026 Yellow jersey waiting for work (Modern) Plane Director, Aircraft Handling Officer, Catapult and Arresting Gear Officers (4 pcs) (3D Printed) (1/48)
RSF72-0018 Yellow jersey waiting for work (Modern) Plane Director, Aircraft Handling Officer, Catapult and Arresting Gear Officers (4 pcs) (3D Printed) (1/72)

Pictured is the 32nd scale set - with figures representing the Plane Director, Aircraft Handling Officer, and Catapult and Arresting Gear Officers, 

"Green Shirts" on the deck maintain and operate the ships catapults and arresting gear. They also perform aircraft maintenance and perform support equipment maintenance. There are are six sets planned in three scales.
The new green shirt sets:
RSF32-0027 Green jersey (Modern) (Left position from the aircraft) Catapult and Arresting Gear Crews, Air Wing Maintenance Personnel, Air Wing Quality Control Personnel (4 pcs) (3D Printed) (1/32)
RSF32-0047 Green jersey (Modern) (Right position from the aircraft) Catapult and Arresting Gear Crews, Air Wing Maintenance Personnel, Air Wing Quality Control Personnel (4 pcs) (3D Printed) (1/32)
RSF48-0027 Green jersey (Modern) (Left position from the aircraft) Catapult and Arresting Gear Crews, Air Wing Maintenance Personnel, Air Wing Quality Control Personnel (4 pcs) (3D Printed) (1/48)
RSF48-0047 Green jersey (Modern) (Right position from the aircraft) Catapult and Arresting Gear Crews, Air Wing Maintenance Personnel, Air Wing Quality Control Personnel (4 pcs) (3D Printed) (1/48)
RSF72-0019 Green jersey (Modern) (Left position from the aircraft) (Catapult and Arresting Gear Crews, Air Wing Maintenance Personnel, Air Wing Quality Control Personnel) (4 pcs) (3D Printed) (1/72)
RSF72-0036 Green jersey (Modern) (Right position from the aircraft) Catapult and Arresting Gear Crews, Air Wing Maintenance Personnel, Air Wing Quality Control Personnel (4 pcs) (3D Printed) (1/72)

Pictured below is the 32nd scale set - with figures representing the Catapult and Arresting Gear Crews, Air Wing Maintenance Personnel, Air Wing Quality Control Personnel These are the left hand side - there are more green shirts for the right hand side of the aircraft in another set listed above.

Also developed is the A/S32A-49 "US Navy" Deck Tractor in both Short and Long versions. The Shipboard Tow Tractor’s primary role is the handling of aircraft aboard the flight deck of naval ships (CVNs & LHA/LHDs).  In addition to manoeuvring aircraft, the STT is required to provide a mobile platform and fuel source for the Jet engine Air Start Unit, 
This deck tractor will be available in four scales, 72nd, 48th, 32nd & 35th - so you Helo dioramas are covered also.

The latest set in this carrier crew are the "Brown Shirts" - who are Responsible for the safety and integrity of aircraft, including the pre- and post-flight preparation, Plane Captains wear brown shirts. Also known as “brake riders,” they man the cockpit during repositioning on the flight deck and hangar deck.
Included in this set are Jersey (Air Wing Plane Captains, Air Wing Line Leading Petty Officers), available in 1/32, 1/48, and 1/72 scales. This upcoming release is designed with precision and attention to detail, catering to enthusiasts who seek to bring their models to life with authentic representations of essential crew members.

Shown below are the figure in development.

More sets are slated for release and in development. These will soon be available to purchase directly from the Res-Kit Website...