August 28, 2024

MiniArt upsize their plastic storage with the 24th scale "Plastic Barrels 200L" set...

To add to their metal 55 gallon & plastic 100L barrels, MiniArt's 1/24th scale new set of plastic barrels holding 200 litres is next. Today we preview their latest set, with plastic barrels (made from plastic) in our preview...

MiniArt upsize their plastic storage with the 24th scale "Plastic Barrels 200L" set...

Plastic Barrels 100L
From MiniArt Models
Kit No #24011
1/24th scale
Injection moulded kit
This kit contains six barrels
In an expansion of their 1/24th scale series of accessories, MiniArt has another new set to be released next month. Called "Plastic Barrels 200L" These drums are the so called "HDPE" drums. These are a specific type of plastic that is resistant to extremely high or low pH levels, making it a safe choice for many different types of materials - but not all. For example, some solvents cannot be stored in plastic and require steel drums.

The look very much like these 200 litre plastic drums with the metal seal double ribbed construction ...

The new kit by MiniArt
The new "Plastic Barrels 200L" from MiniArt is made in a new tooled kit in 1/24th Scale to match their new 24th scale kit and accessory series. The box contains six models of plastic drums. 

There are six sprues that make up the six drums in this set.
Decals for the barrels are included also. Lots of HAZCHEM & radiation signage that these drums are used for.
That is all we know about this kit so far, See more about all of MiniArt's kits on their website...