August 13, 2024

Read n' reviewed: "Modelling US Navy Jets: 1/48 US Navy Jet Painting Techniques" from Dai Nippon Kaiga

A new book from publishers Dai Nippon Kaiga, "Modelling US Navy Jets: 1/48 US Navy Jet Painting Techniques 1/48 US Navy Jet Painting Techniques" features five of master MOKEO's works. Gary has read the book - see its contents & his thoughts in his review...
Read n's Reviewed: Modelling US Navy Jets: 1/48 US Navy Jet Painting Techniques
Models by Yuzo Harada (MOKEO) 
Publisher: Dai Nippon Kaiga
Softcover, portrait format
297mm x 210mm
96 Pages
Price: ¥4,290 / $29 USD - available from Amazon Japan
"Modelling US Navy Jets: 1/48 US Navy Jet Painting Techniques" is a full-colour, 96-page, A4-softcover book showcasing the models of Yuzo Harada (a Japanese modeller) - who goes by the name of MOKEO  in the painting and weathering of US Navy based jet models.

Born in 1980 in Miyazaki and currently residing in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, MOKEO worked for 15 years at an architectural model company before becoming a freelancer specialising in architectural-model parts design. Influenced by his fathers hobby of RC airplanes and his siblings love for plastic models, he began making plastic kits at an early age. However it wasn't until 2016 that he started building more seriously. Alongside working on his original detail-up parts brand of plastic model "A Craft-Hobby". MOKEO currently focuses on building modern jet fighter aircraft models, primarily in 1/48th and 1/32nd scales.
The book is written dual English and Japanese language throughout, with the English written either by an English-speaking editor (as opposed to machine-generated translation), and the book is bound in a conventional western format.

The book is broken into five sections, one for each of the models covered:
1960s - F-4B Phantom II (Tamiya)
1990s - F-14D Tomcat (Tamiya)
1990s - F-14D Tomcat (AMK)
2000s - F/A-18F Super Hornet (Meng)
USMC - EA-6B Prowler (Kinetic)
One of the highlights of this publication is the excellent quality of the photography. In this larger book format the photos provide plenty of details, however the accompanying text is quite small and can be hard to read.
The first model to be covered is the Tamiya F-4B Phantom II. Painting, decaling and weathering is covered across five chapters.
Each major step is covered and its always interesting to see how different modellers approach their builds. The tools and products used are also an important way to learn and adapt your own processes to achieve a better outcome.
The writing is in dual English & Japanese language throughout...
Model number two is the Tamiya F-14D Tomcat, finished in a lo viz, TPS scheme. These aircraft are a challenge to make look realistic as the finish is so complex with the different shades, touch ups and grime accumulation typical of carrier based aircraft. The Tamiya Tomcats are a dream to build and so the real focus of the build ends up being the finishing as explained to us by Mokeo in this chapter.
Widely considered the holy grail of model finishes, the reproduction of modern US Navy "lo viz" paint schemes requires skill and attention to detail. 
Mokeo steps the reader through the application of paint and then the use of various tools and techniques to reproduce the weathering and staining commonly found on line jets.
Aircraft three switches from Tamiya kits to the new Meng F/A-18Super Hornet. The choice or markings here enables Mokeo to mix lo-viz with some Hi-Viz via the selection of a CAG aircraft.
 Once again the use of the step by step format leads the reader along the decisions made to bring this model to life.
Aircraft five switches us from fighter to carrier based electronic-warfare aircraft in the form of the EA-6B Prowler. Whilst these were operated extensively by USN, Mokeo decides to finish his Kinetic Prowler in US Marine Corps markings. 
Once again the now familiar step by step format is used to show his process for reproducing a heavily weathered finish.
The final section in the book gives us a little biographical detail about Mokeo himself. We get a glimpse behind the curtain into his modelling room and the tools he uses to make those masterpieces.
CONCLUSION - Modelling US Navy Jets (Models by MOKEO)
Despite the title, this book primarily focuses on painting, with little or no coverage provided of the construction steps for each model. A mixture of hi and lo vis schemes are covered and whilst the book does offer information on techniques used, I found it to be mainly a showcase for the amazing skills of MOKEO and the models he produces. I would almost consider this book more of a "coffee table" read (when seeking inspiration) rather than a detailed FAQ you keep next to you on the bench. I found the English text to be very small and sometimes this made it hard work when trying to read through the book.

Overall an enjoyable and motivating look into how another modeller achieves his results is always welcome. This book is an easy read and recommended for modellers of all skill levels.

Gary Wickham

You can currently get this book from Amazon Japan (The Amazon page may be in Japanese, but the book is in English & Japanese dual language don't worry! It retails for ¥4,290 / $29 USD - available from Amazon Japan

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You can see more of Gary's model making on his website