September 13, 2024

Preview: MiniArt's 35th scale Flugabwehr-MG 15120 Drilling

MiniArt brings us four marking schemes, sprue layout, CADs of their latest kit, the Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Drilling in 35th scale. Let's drill down on the  makeup of the kit in our preview...

Preview: MiniArt's 35th scale Flugabwehr-MG 15120 Drilling

Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Drilling
From MiniArt Models
1/35th scale
Kit No #35438
Decals for four options in the box
Photo-etch included
The subject: Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Drilling
The German MG 151/20 Drilling combined three MG 151 20mm cannons into one gun mount. The MG 151/20 was a German 20mm aircraft-mounted autocannon produced by Waffenfabrik Mauser, as the Luftwaffe transitioned to 30mm cannons later in WW2, extra MG 151’s were made available for Anti-Aircraft gun mounts.

A technical drawing of the gun and mount...
US Soldiers utilize a captured German MG 151/20 Drilling Anti-Aircraft Gun at the Bridgehead in Remagen, Germany - March 1945

The kit:
MiniArt has sent CADs & sprue layouts as well as coloured profiles of this kit. Let's take a look at them shall we?

CADs show the plastic and photo-etch of the kit. The spare ammunition boxes as well as those mounted to the  pedestal mount.
There are four colour schemes included in this kit:
The ammunition boxes are also featured in the coloured profiles.
The plastic layout shows several duplicated sprues in the ammo, but a large single sprue making the gun.
The decals and photo etch of the kit will be helpful.
This kit should be available next month from MiniArt's distributors worldwide. You can see more about this kit on the MiniArt Website...