November 01, 2024

Preview: MiniArt's German & Italian Pilots w/DAL Soldiers North Africa in 48th scale...

MiniArt has gone down a scale to finally provide their modellers with new German & Italian pilots (any aircraft to match?) with soldiers to guard them & fuel cans to fill them. We look at this new set of six figures in our preview...

Preview: MiniArt's German & Italian Pilots w/DAL Soldiers North Africa in 48th scale ...

German & Italian Pilots w/DAL Soldiers North Africa
From MiniArt Models
Kit No: 49018
1/48th scale
The kit contains six figures & accessories in the box.
Full engine & clear parts are included
The Free Arab Legion (DAL) -You already know about German & Italian pilots
The Free Arabian Legion, numbering around 20,000 servicemen, was a volunteer unit of the German Wehrmacht that operated from 1941 to 1945 during World War II. This legion was established by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, and Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali al-Kaylani. 

A soldier from the Free Arabian Legion in German-occupied Greece in September 1943.
It was composed of Syrian Arabs, Iraqi expatriates, Arab and Muslim volunteers and prisoners of war, and Tunisian volunteers. The legion was primarily stationed in Greece throughout the war. Adolf Hitler intended to utilize this unit in conquering the Caucasus, with the goal of establishing an Iraqi government-in-exile there, a plan that never came to fruition. 
The legion was withdrawn from the front line in November 1943, following the death of its commander, and was deployed to the Peloponnese to aid in suppressing the anti-fascist uprising. Often used in guard and non-frontline duties, the legion was still an important part of the German war machine in the Mediterranean & North Africa especially.

The kit from MiniArt.
In a big shift MiniArt produces their first 48th scale figure kit. It is directed squarely at the aircraft or diorama modellers out there, with the German and Italian pilots, together with their soldiers of the Free Arabian Legion - or  Deutsche-Arabische Legion soldiers, that guard the airfields. 

The figures are a new design, sculpted by MiniArt's newest sculptor (he's been with them for a while now). There is plenty of detail in these smaller-scale kits.
The fuel drums, jerrycans, and other equipment come with the set to further flesh out your airfield diorama. Five "jerry" cans with a triangle fuel tin are on this sprue...
Four 200l fuel/oil drums (with alternate lids) with augers to pump the fuel are included
This kit is due for release in a month's time
See more about all of MiniArt's kits on their website...