December 18, 2024

Preview: New scales, aircraft, & machines—MiniArt's 2025 catalogue released.

MiniArt has just released their 2025 catalogue, exposing some of their new releases for the forthcoming year. New scales, aircraft, & vehicles dominate the highlights of the new releases & everything you have already seen in their latest brochure.

Preview: New scales, aircraft, & machines—MiniArt's 2025 catalogue released.

Now MiniArt has released their latest list of new kits for the new year as well as showing you some of what’s already on sale. Double-click on any of these images and use your arrow keys to see them in full screen size!
MiniArt lay down their product roadmap, giving meaning to the special editions, real characters, big sets, advanced kits, and so forth. Also a hint to check out their Twitter, Facebook, and "insta" pages...
We have a fairly large version, so you can see the releases and the “New” items that are marked in red next to the box to make it easier to pick these out. An interesting and exciting bunch of known and new kits are in here...

1/72nd scale items are first. We are seeing MiniArt downscale with all the detail into 1/72nd scale kits with their StuG's. These are great for model makers that want a fast build or the scope for a larger diorama.
The mediaeval castle series still exists!
MiniArt are back with their 48th scale series of aircraft kits. After a great start with their P-47 Thunderbolt kits in both an advanced and a basic kit for modellers—we now see the Junkers J13 series expanding, the Razorback P-47D and the long-nosed FW 190D kits now adding to the line in 48th scale.
Previewed on their fan page earlier this year, we see proof of the upcoming and introducing the Junkers F 13 Passenger aircraft in 48th scale.
The early model Razorback thunderbolts are a tremendous pick for modellers who like to show this, the older type that often soldiered on throughout the war and became weary and very weathered. People have been waiting for these.
The newest in the 48th scale aircraft line is the long-nosed Fw-190D-9 Dora, with basic & advanced kits on the way. Already box-art has been added to the CADs. This is a great choice of kit!

New figure sets in 48th scale? A new series of accessories for military vehicles and aircraft will suit these new planes in 48th continues to interest modellers. Maybe some vehicles may come in the future to suit them?
These figures are starting to add up to flesh out MiniArt's 48th scale range. Great for aircraft & armour modellers.

We loved their 35th scale early helicopter series; we hope more can come at some time in the future.

MiniArt's very successful WWI kits of the last two years are shown, with a covered wagon that we haven't seen before; maybe its been out for ages?

We see more new variants of MiniArt's M3 Lee/Stuart kits, even a Japanese version! Either full or no interior will be added to the range.
The Sd.Kfz 234's aren't finished yet... MiniArt also shows their current kits in their catalogue that we are already aware of.
No way a Japanese Stuart/Lee!
Another completely new kit will be the Raupenschlepper Ost RSO series.
For those wanting a better-armed RSO, well, this version might have the teeth for you!

More accessories than buildings of recent times: These accessories are becoming a mainstay of many dioramas and tools for modellers to choose for the right scene...
As always, new figures are on the way, and their new sculptor seems to be improving the range kit by kit. MiniArt is committed, it seems, to improving their older kits with more accessories, resing heads etc. Let's hope the trend continues.
Something new in the form of the Opel Blitz (sorry 3t cargo truck) series, which has turned some heads and has endless possibilities in types, colour schemes, and variants. These add to MiniArt's already-released series of civilian vehicles.
We hope there are more civilian figure sets to come next year. People seem to love these, even though they aren't neccesarilly firing a weapon or diving for cover!

What if? - more like "what the?"... - a great range from MiniArt with a lot of crossover potential. We are looking at this line and hoping for more from them than we see here, maybe in the future.

1/35th scale armoured fighting vehicles are shown, with nothing new (yet) these catalogues from Miniart are always added to with new and surprise kits during the year.
35th scale accessories and vehicle riders and drivers are an important part of the range that has already been established. We hope for surprise new announcements here also.
We can't see anything new yet in next year's civilian acccesssories & diorma enhancements, but there is always time to fix that!
We also hope to see more "Big Sets" to add to the series next year.

MiniArt's very popular upscaling of their tractors into 1/24th scale.
The larger-scale historical miniatures can still be made into something quite special.
A great roundup of the award-winning kits from the 2024 round-out the catalogue...

Here are the links for your own copy: MiniArt Models Catalogue 2025
Check out the Miniart site for more info on all of their kits...