December 20, 2024

Video preview of MiniArt's new box arts for 2025...

To add to our comprehensive catalogue launch from Miniart two days ago, we have the box arts from the just released & soon-to-come kits in a 2025 box art video (with more to come, no doubt). Check them out in our preview...

Video preview of MiniArt's new box arts for 2025...

We thought we would give you a list of the either just released or soon-forthcoming MiniArt kits with a better look at the new box arts for next year. We have both a video and images for you to choose from. Enjoy...

The list of forthcoming new kits:
72110 StuG III Ausf. G  Last Alkett Prod
72115 StuH 42 Ausf. G  Mid Prod 
48003 P-47D-26RA Thunderbolt. Advanced Kit
48004 Junkers F13 Float Plane. Early Prod
48005 Junkers F13. Mid Prod. German, Polish, Swiss Service   
48037 P-47D-11RE Thunderbolt. Basic Kit
48040 Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9. Mimetall Prod. Basic Kit. Jagdgeschwader 301
49020 German Ground Staff w/Accessories. North Africa
35407 U.S. Infantry Tank Riders. Set 1
35413 Sd.Kfz.234/1 Schwerer Panzerspähwagen (2 cm). Late Mod
35423 Stuart Mk.I  "Honey" Early Prod. w/Sun Shields  
35454 Japanese M3 Stuart  w/ Crew
35456 German 3t Cargo Truck 3,6-36S Mid Prod
35478 Raupenschlepper Ost RSO/01. Early Prod
35480 Raupenschlepper Ost RSO/01. Mid Prod
35483 7.5cm Pak 40/4 auf gep. Selbstfahrlafette RSO
35489 British Tank Repair Crew
35496 British Tank Riders (NW Europe). Resin Heads
35500 Italian Tank Crew. Resin Heads
53030 German Officers & Drivers 
53040 U.S. Airborne Tank Riders
53044 German Machineguns Set. Special Edition
53052 Allied Drivers
38082 3t Cargo Truck L701
38094 Paint Workers with Accessories
38097 Construction Workers with Accessories
40014 Sd.Kfz.234 with MG151 Drilling
37078 T-34-85 Czechoslovak Prod. Late Type
37080 Iraqi T-55 Al Faw/Enigma. Polish Made Base
35665 Alcohol Bottles w/Boxes
35666 Railway Crossing
35674 French Concrete Road Signs 1930-40's. North & East
36067 Kharkiv 1943: Tram & Stug. III Ausf. G w/Crew. Big Set
24012 Fuel & Oil Drums 1930-50's Set 2
16038 Macedonian Guards Officer. III Century B.C.
16040 Libyan Warrior. III Century B.C.
16041 Epirote Phalangite. III Century B.C.

The box art images in a good resolution for you to pick apart...

Here are the links for your own copy: MiniArt Models Catalogue 2025
Check out the Miniart site for more info on all of their kits...