January 23, 2025

Updated preview: A big Wittmann, combo box & art to add to Takom's third thirty-fifth (Early) Tigers...

We normally have to wait for the boxart a while after Takom's CADs, but these reveal more information in the form of combo sets, a new 16th scale figure, & a multitude of decal options for your Tiger I early. We look at them in our preview...

Updated preview: A big Wittmann, combo box, and art to add to Takom's third thirty-fifth (early) Tigers...

To add to the Tiger I kits from Takom, today we get more news of the "early" option kits, with some combo sets and a large scale Michael Wittmann in our preview... 

Michael Wittmann
From Takom
Kit No.1024
1/16th scale
The kit is a single figure of Michael Wittmann.

This larger-scale Wittman figure suits modellers who want to recreate him in his tanker's gear, mid-war or normandy era. Hand to his throat mike as he signals to the other vehicles in the column; this is a well-known pose for this figure.

Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E - Tiger I Early Production.
From Takom
Kit No. 2195
1/35th scale
The kit comes with a figure of Michael Wittmann.
Stowage included
Tracks with a jig included for assembly
Photo-etch included
Metal barrel option included.
Twisted cable provided for towing cable
Four marking choices in the one box
Metal is provided in the way of an option of the large 88mm barrel replica in either metal or plastic. We know which one you will choose! The turned wire for the towing cable and the thin photo-etch is included to replicate the thinner parts of the kit in 35th scale, while clear parts are included for periscopes.
In this second tank's CAD design images, we see a new close-up in-detail images showing the alternate options that Takom's designer has moulded to this kit. We can see the six different types of turret bin stowage, turret mantlets, options for smoke discharger, vision ports, NOTEK (or not) light and front hatch.
Another great series of detail shots showing options in the kit. The front hull glacis plate, track stowage racks, moulded towing cable, and rear engine deck hatch, as well as the rear deck options, with the Fiefel air filter and other details.
The early-type tracks are supplied with a jig to help in putting them together. They link and length tracks will suit some; others will go for aftermarket.
This kit comes with a figure of tank ace Michael Wittmann, designed by Jason Studio in 1/35th scale. Jason has a long relationship with Takom. Often giving us some great figures, historical or not. 

Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E - Tiger I Early Production.
From Takom
Kit No. 2196
1/35th scale
Tracks with a jig included for assembly
Photo-etch included
Metal barrel option included.
Twisted cable provided for towing cable
Eight (8!) marking choices in the one box

Stowage is provided for this option (the other Tiger gets a figure instead). With a tarp over the front of the turret option and wrapped tarps for the rear deck and turret. Sides can be optioned with or without towing cables, and the turret has an option for spare track links for extra armour or not. Your choice.
In this second tank's CAD design images, we see a new close-up in-detail images showing the alternate options that Takom's designer has moulded to this kit. We can see the six different types of turret bin stowage, turret mantlets, options for smoke discharger, vision ports, NOTEK (or not) light, and front hatch.
Again, we get some detail shots showing options in the kit. The front hull glacis plate, track stowage racks, moulded towing cable, and rear engine deck hatch, as well as the rear deck options, with the Fiefel air filter and other details.
Metal is provided in the way of an option of the large 88mm barrel replica in either metal or plastic. We know which one you will choose! The turned wire for the towing cable and the thin photo-etch is included to replicate the thinner parts of the kit in 35th scale.
The early-type tracks are supplied with a jig to help in putting them together. They link and length tracks will suit some; others will go for aftermarket.

Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E. Tiger I Early Production 2-Box
From Takom
Kit No. 2195
1/35th scale
The box includes two early model Tiger I kits. (Once command version.)
Both kits have metal main guns, twisted cable and several marking choices (12 in total between the two kits)
The "Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf.E. Tiger I Early Production 2-Box" from Takom (Kit No. 2195W) features two 1/35th scale early model Tiger I kits. (Once command version with a Wittmann figure.) Both kits have metal main guns, twisted metal cable, and several marking choices (12 in total between the two kits). Included is the affore-mentioned 16th scale Michael Wittmann figure.

Also available next month, Takom's earlier three Tiger I Mid War kits re-released.

That is all we know about this release for now. You can see more about Takom's kits on their website or on their Facebook page.