February 21, 2025

Video Review: 1/35th scale WWII German updates from Fibelworks

Clayton Ockerby reviews a slew of new upgrades & enhancements for your 35th scale WWII German armour from Feibelworks. Their Stug, Tiger & Panzer III prints in his review...

Video Review: 1/35th scale WWII German updates from Fibelworks

Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to a new manufacturer, at least new to me, producing high-end upgrade parts for 35th scale armour—Fibelworks.

Fibelworks is the brainchild of Liam Boehm, with all of his designs and production coming out of Canada.

The company started by providing STL files through the popular website Cults3D, but found it frustrating over the lack of control of the distribution of the files as well as the mixed results due to varying 3D print capabilities of the end user.
Fibelworks is focusing on a premium quality product at a reasonable price, and has invested in 12K printing technology. The setup of the print focuses on superfine supports that will have minimal impact on the print.

At present the focus is around 35th scale armour upgrades, but the rage is growing by the day.I’ve been lucky enough to have received a few samples, so let's take a look at what Fibelworks is all about. First up, the packaging is beautifully designed and comes in a recycled cardboard-style box. I am under the impression the packaging is under review; however, the samples I received are very impressive.
Internally, the prints come protected in a small plastic container.

Muzzle Brake Set for 88mm KwK/PaK Early Type
1/35th scale
This set includes 4 pieces and will fit all kits. It includes:
2 Uncovered 88mm muzzle brakes
2 Covered 88mm muzzle brakes
Price: $9 AUD
So often reference images show the German heavies with the muzzle brake cover in place to minimise contaminating the barrel with dirt and debris, and this set allows you to recreate that element.
This set would be appropriate for the 88mm KwK/PaK early type muzzle, which can be found on Tiger 1s and 2s as well as the Ferdinand and the Jagdpanther. The sculpt of the fabric looks natural and realistic and should just cap in the end of the barrel of your model.

Tiger I (all variants) Armoured Exhaust Cover
1/35th scale
This set includes 4 pieces and will fit all kits. It includes:
Price: TBA
Product Link TBA
The next sample is for the armoured exhaust cover, which should be compatible with all Tiger variants. Interestingly, I noticed that these prints are manufacturer-specific and have all been thoroughly tested on the models.
The cast texture is truly stunning, and whilst stippling putty gives a reasonable cast look, there is no denying these sculpts are next level again. The set comes with two with, and two more without the casting numbers.
These are a quick and easy upgrade to your next Tiger project and will be sure to enhance that area.

Panzer III Chassis Burnt Out Wheel (95mm)
1/35th scale
This set includes 4 pieces and will fit all kits. It includes:
Price: TBA
Product Link TBA
Moving to some of the upgrades for the STUG and Panzer III, the first example is the burnt-out wheel set for the Panzer 3 chassis. You get 4 wheels in the set. 2 with the wheel cap and 2 with the axle shaft exposed.
Looking at the way these prints have been supported gives you an understanding of the thoughtful nature of the supports and how they have been designed to have as little impact as possible on the part.
With numerous reference books showcasing knocked-out vehicles, these wheels, while they are quite a niche product, are essential for those of you wanting to model a knocked-out Stug. The print is beautiful with no hint of layering lines, with an extremely high level of detail and fidelity.

Smoke Launcher for Stug III Ausf. G
1/35th scale
This set is for one vehicle. Suitable for Stug III Ausf. G. Highly detailed with accurate welds & wiring. 
This set includes parts for one vehicle and will fit all kits. It includes:
-2 smoke launcher brackets
-4 canister options (6pcs each)
Price: $16 AUD
Product Link TBA
Last up are the smoke launchers for the STUG G. The set has two brackets and 24 smoke canisters covering 4 different styles. 
The bracket includes the fine, detailed wiring on the backside. The fine nature of this element has traditionally been supplied as an etch upgrade in a lot of kits, but this removes all the guesswork and adds the lovely detail in the wiring at the back of the piece. The perfect upgrade for your STUG.
Fibelworks is a new player and has a limited range at present, but if the samples I have received are anything to go by, I’m predicting big things for them.

Here is my review video of these improvements...
So... thanks again to Fibeworks for the samples. This truly is the golden age of modelling, and I am here for it!

Clayton Ockerby

If you like what you see you can order direct from fibelworks.com, and as a special offer to readers of The Modelling News and viewers of this channel obviously, if you quote TMN15 when ordering they’ll flick you a 15% discount.

See more of Clayton's amazing works on his YouTube Channel, his modelling portal "Workbench Hobbies," or his Facebook page